6. The Encounter

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He was falling and falling panic everywhere so far above the ground. But just as he almost hit the ground something big and powerful and swooped down and caught Hans on its back. "Dragons!" shrieked Miranda amazed at the sight of these majestic dragons. Suddenly she was so full of energy. "Wait up" she shouted to them as she climbed up there at the speed of light to the island where the dragons landed. The island blew their minds as Miranda walked around in circles for some reason and Hans just stared after sliding off the dragons back. "'We have been expecting you" something said behind them the sound was sweet and harmonic. They turned around to find the Queen of dragons, they could tell for she was wearing a golden crown and her amulet was rainbow. "Ummmm, Your Majesty" they stammered amazed beyond wonder. "We have something for you, Your Majesty.". They then said. "Please just call me Bloom, '' the dragon queen replied. Sure Hans and Miranda replied. She then flew motioning them to follow her; they followed her through a forest past some dragons playing soccer. Soccer! They play soccer, and Hans loved playing soccer. He joined the game, and Miranda too. After the soccer game they continued to pass many wondrous places. Till, they reached their destination, the Palace. In the palace they took out the egg when the king and queen realised. "Thank you young humans for returning this dragon egg to us.When that egg was stolen, we thought all hope was lost and the Dragonas Kingdom would fall; for the future of the kingdom rested in that egg. If that egg was lost when we die and go to heaven where all dead dragons live after death; there will be no one to rule except the dragon inside this egg. They took the egg and put it back into the nursery where all eggs hatch. That night there was a joyous celebration with food, drinks, and pizza galore. Where Hans and Miranda met many dragons and many more auras that weren't in the book of dragons. They even learned the dragon King's name is Terence! And you may think yay, a wonderful happy ending. Well it's not over, just as the party ended, a siren sounded. 

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