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Good morning. 

She ate eggs over rice; it was her usual breakfast. At times she changes it a bit, like a vegetable omelet, eggs with tomatoes, or boiled eggs with soy sauce. But breakfast always had eggs, because that was normal to cook. 

She made her lunch bento too. Today was a sandwich that consists of: sliced bread, ham, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes. She also cut some peaches to eat after, and packed a small bag of potato chips incase she got hungry in class. A considerable amount of effort was put into her meals today, since it was her first day in high school. She believed that if the day didn't go well, she could at least enjoy what she eats. 

After putting them in containers and wrapping them in a plain [fav. colored] colored cloth, she places it in her leather schoolbag, and makes sure that the placement doesn't damage or affect everything else next to it. 'Everything else' being her notebooks, pencil case, flip phone, and wallet. 

And finally the finishing touches: pulling her hair back into a ponytail, holding up her bangs away from her face and securing them with a clip, exchanging her slippers for white knee-high socks and brown school shoes, and slipping into the blue sweater that covered her white school uniform. After turning off and unplugging everything that wasn't in use, she grabs her bag and keys, then leaves and locks her apartment. 

Outside she is met with the cool morning winds, she felt her skirt ruffling. There were no voices, and no car engines. She had no neighbors. 


A text. She takes out her phone to read it as she went down the stairs. 


FROM: LIA       

fiiirst daaay ! 

its morning there, right?? so ohayougozaimasu! 

that was long to type x)))

make sure to join a club


She spots her black bike chained and hidden in the bushes. As she approaches, a sigh escapes her mouth. She quickly made a reply and unlocked the chain. 


      TO: LIA

you know that I can't

HIDDEN WRATH // knb x readerWhere stories live. Discover now