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We won..!

I... I can't believe it.

I hear Pride's laugh echo throughout the court, and the loud steps from her rubber soles as she ran to insult the stands. She was obviously boasting about her victory, especially to the losing schools. I would've been the one to stop her, since we had so much enemies already due to her antics, but right now it didn't matter. Sloth was surprisingly making the effort to go to each member and give them a hug. She looks at me and I save her the time by running to her myself. She had the club's jacket on as she hugged me, it felt extremely comfy in this moment.

"Captain... we won..." She whispers in the usual lazy tone, but I could tell it was full of happiness.

I laugh, knowing she must've been repeating the same line to the others.

"Yes we did—"

Lust interrupts by crashing her form and rubbing her cheek against mine. I smiled and hugged the two of them tightly.

"It's all thanks to you, Captain!"

- - -

I was in front of the team as we headed out of the indoor court. My hands pushed the doors open, and the first thing we were met with were flashes of bright light. One hand immediately becomes a barrier for my team that was behind me, and the other over my tired eyes that can't adjust to the lighting. Photographers and microphones surrounded us, giving us almost nowhere to walk to. Our personal spaces diminished in seconds by people asking questions of the game and requesting for an interview. I growled in annoyance, though it easily drowned in the crowd.

It took everything I had not to lose my temper. Was it so hard to let the teams go after such an aggravating game? Can't they see how we're not in the mood right now? I made a promise to myself to not make it worse for the team, because I was aware of their exhaustion and their desire to just relax in our suite.

The glare I gave made them freeze in fear for a moment before continuing. Somehow I was glad that most of them were paying attention to me instead of my teammates.

"Captain Wrath! How do you feel after pulling off that winning buzzer beater?!"

"Shiroryuu! Shiroryuu! Can we please get an interview with the Seven Deadly Sins?!"

"[f/n]! Will you ever do a swimsuit photoshoot?!"

And of course I didn't forget the perverted side of the media.

"[f/n]! Please sweat on me!"

"Please let me have your jersey!"

I don't know how these people get away with talking that way to junior high school students.

"[f/n] we love you!"

"Wrath! Have you decided which high school to attend?! If so, please tell us!" 

Annoying, all of you. 

- - -

My body collapses onto one of the beds, I felt the mattress slowly but amazingly sink from my weight. We could finally relax! Miraculously we made it back without anyone following. It relieved me to know that my team was safe and sound. I decide to rest for a bit and let everyone use the showers first. It was risky to be in a bed first thing we arrive, but I don't care. If I fall asleep, maybe Greed or Gluttony would be nice enough to wake me up.

I hear Lust giggling, something that you don't hear unless she was up to no good. My eyes close and the last thing I hear is Envy groaning in annoyance.

. . . 


I hear Gluttony's scream from another room, and this time it wasn't the usual panicked one after she discovers her snacks were gone. My body instantly jolts itself awake. The fatigue was forgotten as my worried self took control. I slip off the bed immediately and ran as fast as I could towards Gluttony's direction. 

My body crashed into a few walls and items before reaching her room. I open the door to find crying with her snack-patterned towel on. My eyes follow her stare and I discover a cameraman hiding behind the glass in the room's balcony. Rage blinded my focus, my [eye color] orbs brightened into a glowing white. I swiftly took off my jacket and pulled it over my teammate's form, wiping off her tears as I did so. Next I opened the glass door to meet with the pervert's cheeky smile. It seemed to vanish as he noticed my wrath-filled eyes. 

"How bold of you," I growl. 

My rubber shoes crash with the camera in his grasp, the devices crumbles when it meets with the wall next to him. I grabbed the back of his collar and dragged him out of the room, his faint whimpers trail out of his mouth. On the way out and to the elevator, I didn't see or heard the other girls nearby. I hoped that they were okay. 

My thumb aggressively pushes the button to the hotel's lobby, and I waited patiently for the doors to close and the elevator to descend. I glare at the photographer, he doesn't dare to stare back. The doors open a ding, and I am met with the friendly smile of a housekeeper before she notices the man in my grip. 

"M-Miss [l/n]! Why—" 

I ignore her and started walking up to the front counter. 


I slam him against the wooden receptionist table, not caring if he got hurt. The women at the desk looked genuinely terrified, not sure how to handle the female junior high all-star. 

- - - 

With my anger, I managed to round up the whole team back in the suite. They were thankfully safe and now under my supervision. I informed them of what happened, and they don't object to my decisions. They knew me well enough to know when not to fool around. I've already closed and double-checked all the locks on the windows and doors. 

Gluttony seemed to have calmed down, yet a sad look lingered in her eyes. My rage died down too, not because I wanted to but because I was tired. It disturbed me that the hotel had no idea how that man got in, and I blamed myself for not being vigilant enough. I hated that I put my guard down after we won the Nationals, and I hated that I just slept when we arrived. I didn't expect the media to be crazy enough to break into our top floor suite, but I should've. 

It was hard being the Captain and Coach of the team from a not-so-well-known junior high school. 

I faced the team with a confident posture. 

"We're leaving tomorrow," I decided. 

Their groans filled the air. 


HIDDEN WRATH // knb x readerWhere stories live. Discover now