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"Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

I rolled my eyes as my hispanic best friend tried to convice me, her big brown eyes staring into mine. "No, I'm allergic to teenage rock boy bands that think they're on top of the world."

Rose groaned as she threw herself on my bed, her dark curls all around her head.
"Oh c'mon, they're not that bad. I think they're actually pretty nice."

"You mean pretty nice as in they are pretty, maybe nice."
I closed my history textbook and spun around to face her as she propped herself up on her elbows.

"I know it's not exactly your scene, Rev and i get it. But please, it would mean a lot to me since it's their first gig in a bar."

I laughed and shook my head at her fangirl-ing self. I was already used to it; ever since boy bands existed, she was a sucker for them, especially the ones with rock music and bad boys.
"But my parents said that i have to concentrate on school."

Now she was the one rolling her eyes.
"Oh yeah, cause your parents are that controlling."
She sat upright now and ran a hand through her hair before looking at me again.
"Please, i think there is a minor possibility of you actually liking them."

I crunched my face up in confusion. I wasn't exactly a fan of rock music. It was all just too loud and aggressive and i just didn't really like it.
  "Yeah definitely. You'll see me listening to rock music when I'm dead, not before."

"Well this can be configured."

I rolled my eyes as i watched her facial expression for quite a time before shaking my head and sighing. "You're not gonna give up, are you?"

Her lips slowly turned into a grin as she shook her head. "Nope."

I turned around again, rolling my eyes before laying the pen into my pencil case and shaking my head in disbelief to what i was going to say.
"Okay, I'm coming."


 After almost 1 hour of helping Rose decide what to wear, we started walking toward the bar where the event would take place.

It was only a couple of streets away and i had to persuade Rose and my parents to let us walk because they didn't want us to go alone and my best friend was afraid.

But i loved the dark.
It gave me a peace that no brightness on the world could ever give me.

To distract herself from her fears, Rose started talking about the band, telling me their names and how much she liked each of them.
Her favourite was Reggie, the bassist of the band and her least favourite was Bobby, the second guitarist.

I would've loved to just zoom out when she fangirled but when i loved a person, my focus was on her and i was listening, no matter what she wanted to tell me.

That was probably why Rose loved my company; Everone always told her to stop talking because they thought it was nonesense and unimportant but when she wanted to talk about it, it wasn't unimportant to her.
That was why we had already spent a lot of sleepovers with only her talking, and me listening.

   I didn't mind though because i wasn't much of a talking person.
I loved listening to people's life and problems, me trying to solve them quietly in my head.

"Oh and from what I've heard the lead singer, Luke Patterson, is a casanova."
She licked her lips and brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, before looking dreamily into the dark of the night.
"But i mean with those looks..."

I snorted at her, shaking my head. "I thought your favourite was this Reggie-Guy?"

"He is, but that doesn't mean i can't dream about a threesome with two handsome chicos."

I bursted out laughing at her comment, not knowing what to answer to that.
Rose had always been very bold and telling others what's on her mind.
It was one of the reasons what pulled me towards her at our first encounter in school.

It was 2 years prior, her being the new spanish girl in my class. In our lunch break i saw her helping a boy who got bullied and from the way she looked at him, her brown eyes scanning every inch of him to see if he was okay, i knew that we were gonna be friends.

After realizing that she was actually my new neighbour, we spent all our time together, playing, singing, laughing, exploring.
It had always been a great and fun time with her and she always made me feel better. 

The moment our eyes landed on the bar on the other side of the street her eyes practically glowed and i smiled to myself, relieved that i went with her and got to see my best friend so happy.

She started running toward the entrance, pulling me with her.
"Come on, we gotta hurry. I need a great view of them or else someone's gonna get killed."

I snorted as my eyes travelled around the entrance of the bar and i swallowed. Tons of people, all trying to get past the security and into that bar. That's when it hit me: how were we supposed to get in when we weren't even 17, let alone 18?

My eyes fell on a mirror that was placed on a wall near the entrance and my eyes widened.
Rose would maybe look like 18 with her dark clothing and make up but me?
I've always been the one to wear baggy and bright clothes, a lot of jewelery and some crazy hairstyles.

Which was why, compared to her, i looked like my age; 16.
Wow, no thanks to the half up, half down pigtails.

I turned to my best friend, her smile still not fading even when she looked at the security in front of us.

I leaned in closer to her ear, my mouth tickled by her dark curls.
"Do you have a plan on how in hell we gonna get into this bar?"

She turned her attention to me, a sick smile on her face. "Yep. You do you and i do mine."

"What's that suppposed to mea-."
I coulnd't finish my sentence because i was thrown on the ground right in front of the security guard.

I blinked a few times as i looked between Rose and the big man, him making no attend to help me up. Rose widened her eyes as she nodded toward the entrance, then looking at the man and afterwards toward me, making a sad face.

That's when it clicked and i started groaning in pain, holding onto my knee as if i was hurt.
"Ow. Ouch, oh no. Not now. Ouch."

I had to pull myself together not to immediately laugh at the confused face of the  security man in front of me as he scrunched his eyebrwos together, raising his sunglasses to get a better look at me.
"You okay? Can you get up?"

I swallowed, bringing my hands up to my eyes as if i was wiping away my tears before sniffling. "No, i don't think so. I must've tripped over my own feet and hit my knee pretty bad."

My eyes travelled up to Rose as the big man crouched down next to me, examining my 'hurt' knee.
She winked at me and put up a  thumb before sneaking into the entrance without any attention from the security man.

Only when the other teenage girls started shouting in disbelief, the security guard straightened himself and looked around, trying to get a hold of what was happening.

I cringed at the akwardness of me sitting on the cold, dirty floor, hoping that my favourite jeans i had inherited from my mom (no, she wasn't dead but she gave it to me since it didn't suited her anymore) wasn't damaged.

I got up quickly, apologized to the security man and telling him that i was okay again, before turning into the empty alleyway next to the bar.

I groaned as i thought about how i was supposed to get inside, not knowing what Rose had planned. I shook my head, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear and straightening my shirt before looking at my behind to see if there was a stand or a hole in the jeans.

Just as i was relieved to see that nothing happened, i heard a door opening in front of me and i looked up, just to get hit by the exact same heavy door.


So guys, that's the first chapter!

Hope y'all like it and please comment and vote your thoughts!

Love you🥺💗

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