5 |✔

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"Shut up, Reggie!" I shout-whispered to the boy behind me as he couldn't stop laughing about how funny it looked when I was climbing up the wall from the open-air pool we were just breaking in.
Yes, you read it right; We were breaking into an open-air swim stadium.

Luke had been the first one to climb up the wall with the help of the tree standing right next to it, giving my still wasted self a hand to help me get up on the wall aswell.
As i watched Luke, it looked so easy but doing it yourself wasn't as elegant; A branch of the nearby tree ripping my thin fabric t-shirt into pieces.

Which was why i was now in Luke''s flannel... Not that i was complaining. But it wasn't really easy to crawl with, since i always ended up tripping on the sleeves and almost falling. My dizzyness wasn't helping either.

"But that really was hilarious." Rose added as she and Reggie high-fived, making me roll my eyes.

"Oh, c'mon. That could've happened to any of you!" My head turned around to look at the amused faces of Bobby, Alex and the two R's as Alex shook his head.

"Nope, sorry. I don't think that my shirt would've ripped because of a little branch." The four of them snickered as i just shook my head, turning my attention to follow Luke, my eyes watching his behinds sincerely.
And let me tell you; I enjoyed the view.

"We're almost there" Luke whispered and i nodded, trying to concentrate on something else than the chills his voice send to my body. It was unbearable. Being so close but still so far away.

"But this time I'm gonna help you, cause we don't want you to rip Luke's clothes too." Alex said laughing and i couldn't help but smile.
I loved these boys. Bobby was rather quiet the whole time but I had talked a lot with Reggie and Alex, already knowing that they were great and fun to hang with.

"Weren't you struggling to get up yourself?" I've heard Reggie attempt to whisper and i snorted, knowing that that hadn't been Alex's intention. "Dude! You don't have to scream that into the open, okay?"

The rest of us started laughing while Alex just shook his head, continuing to crawl the small brick wall. Since i wasn't paying attention to what was hapening in front of me, i almost bumped into Luke's ass but was quick to make a halt as he jumped down the wall and onto a dustbin that was standing just bellow us.

I swallowed. "C'mon Rev, get down here!"

"Eh, i think now's my time to mention that i may, may not am afraid of heights." I sat up straight and looked down between my feet, seeing Lukes hand outstretched toward me.

He was about to say something but was cut off by Reggie, who sat down next to me. "I think now's your time to shine." And with that, he nudged me.

It wasn't hard, but hard enough to make me loose my balance and fall down the wall. I let out a quick scream, getting ready to get smacked onto the dustbin but happily, Luke was there to catch me. Well, that's what he tried;
His hand was already half around my waist when he lost his grip and i fell face forward on the dumpster.

I heard laughing from above as the guitarist hovered above me, cursing himself out. "Shit, Rev! I'm so so sorry!"

I groaned slightly as i got up with his help, my nose hurting for the secnd time this evening. "You know, you always say 'so' two times when you apologise." I chuckled and as he understood what i meant, he joined in, while i was still in his arms.
Our eyes met and it felt like time stopped as we examined each oother cosely, our faces magically coming further together.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Rose whisper-shouted from above and we jumped apart, my hand finding it's way through my hair. "We need some space to jump down, so if you'd leave it woud be great."

I turned around, first sitting down on the dumpster before jumping onto the ground.
"Oh and take your sexual tension with you!" My best friend said as she landed on the dustbin, me shaking my head slightly at her boldness.

"You okay?" I heard Luke asking as his arm rested on mine, his eyes looking at me worriedly.

I nodded, smiling slightly. "Yeah, I'm good. Pretty good."

Reggie chuckled as he passed us, whistling at the sight of teh two of us. "Rather pretty and good."
We both shot him a glare and Reggie held his hands up in surrender, shaking his head.
"Hey, no need to get all Terminator on me. I'm just trying to make some friends."

Alex smacked his head as he landed on the gound next to him. "Yeah? By stealing your best friend's girl? I don't think that that's how it works."

The brown-hared bassist turned around as if someone had told him his house was in flames. "Wha-I was not trying to steal anything from anyone. I'm just trying to be social and nice. You should try it too sometimes, it would look better on you than pink."

I snorted as i shook my head at the two of them, wondering how i could ever have fun without them. "Guys, guys we don't want to get into any trouble." Rose squished herself between the two boys, breaking up their little argument.

"You mean more trouble than breaking in a pool? Because i think that is-."

She slapped her hand on top of Reggie's mouth to shut him up, smiling sickly sweet at him. "Thank you Reggie, but nobody cares."
Oh and there it is; The reason why i had fun even without the boys.

Luke suddenly grabbed my hand while Rose and Reggie were fighting, Alex trying to break it up and Bobbie just standing there, staring holes into the dark.

"I'm tired of listening to them fighting. C'mon." He started pulling me toward the pool and as we almost reached it, he turned his head around again. "Guys, let's get wet!"

I snorted as we came to a halt, the others topping with their ridiculous fight and following us. "You could've expressed yourself a little bit better, don't you think?"

He looked at me, biting his lip and tilting his head for a moment. "I think that's enough for them."

And as if it was on clue, Reggie sped past us and jumped into the water. "Skinny dipin', baby!" That's when i realized, he was already naked.

I looked around, swallowing as i saw that the others started undressing themselves quickly aswell, Rose being the first one to join Reggie in the water. "Wohooo!"

I never really liked being naked; i just felt insecure. People were able to see everything, every little thing that was bugging you. And i allways thought: When it was bugging me, how wouldn't it bug others?
But since today was different in some sort of way, and probably mostly because of the alcohol still in my system, i gave in to my confidence and just enjoyed being young and free.

And let me tell you; It was one of the best feelings ever as the cold water hit every inch of my body, my hair floating freely in the water. For a quick moment my thoughts went back to worrying; I must've lost my hair tie somewhere... What if they saw the birthmark on my stomach?

But as i got up from the water, letting a deep breath out, and inhale another one, my worries were gone. Just with the blink of an eye, my view full of people i enjoyed spending time with and a boy for whom i cherished so much desire, i felt free.
Just as i did when they had started playing.


Helloooo, how r yall doing?

I want a season 2 soooo badly like fr 😩
How did u like the chapter?

Thank u for 500 reader😻😻

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