2 |✔

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I felt dizzy as i held my head, slightly tumbling backwards.
"Oh shit!"I heard a voice coming from in front of me and I groaned as i felt a gentle pain on my right eye, blining a few times. "Are you okay? I'm so so sorry, i didn't see you there."

My vision cleared and i was met with the most beautiful green eyes i had ever seen.
"I didn't expect someone to be in this alley. Please say something so that i know you're okay."

I cleared my throat, pulling myself out of the trance as i swallowed, trying to get back to reality. "N-No, I'm okay. Sorry, i didn't realize there was a door."

The dark haired boy in front of me chuckled slightly while i pressed my lips together. Of coure there was always a second there in a bar.

"No worries, everything's cool. What were you doing here alone anyway?"

"Eh i was, eh looking for my best friend."

He ran a hand through his hear and looked at the ground, smiling.
"And why would she be here?"

I swallowed, trying to give him an explanation that didn't sound like i was crazy.
"Not here. In the bar. I thought maybe she would open the door so i could-."
I held my breath. I just told a total -but still super hot- stranger that  i wasn't allowed to get into the bar that he had just came out of.

"So you didn't get in? As in you're too young or as in you did something terribly bad like killing someone on the street?"
I furrowed my brows as i tried to understand what he meant with his words.

"That didn't really made sense, did it?"
He chuckled akwardly and i couldn't help but laugh aswell.

"No, but nothing that i said made sense either so i guess we're even."

He shook his head, still smiling and nodding. "Yeah i guess we are."

An akward silence fell in between the both of us and i cleared my throat, while he buried his hand in his jeans pockets.
"So since it' the age-thing, I guess i could try to smuggle you in."

I blinked a few times, not understanding why he would help me get in. "N-No, i don't want you getting in trouble. You don't really have to-."

"Oh, don't worry. I won't get in trouble..."
He trailed off as he looked at me intensive, waiting for me to say my name.

"Oh, eh Reveka. Reveka Allen."

He smiled. "Wow, that's an unusual name. Do you know what it means and where it's from?"

I shook my head, brushing a piece of hair behind  my ear. "It's Hebew, but i don't know what it means. I can ask my parents, though."

I cringed at my own anti-socialness and he just laughed it off as if he thought i was really funny. "Well, Reveka -no idea what it means- Allen, I'd really enjoy infiltrating you inside this exclusive bar. If you wouldn't mind, of course."

I nodded shortly after thinking about my options and before i could ask the stranger for his name, he was already pulling me inside by my hand, tingles shooting through my body at the warm sensation of his palm against mine, fingers interwined.
This was gonna be a fun night. 



Hey man, there you are. It's time!" A blonde tall guy came running toward us after we had just entered, examining our interwined finger.

I swallowed as i blushed, letting go of his hand and linking my own behind my back.

I felt the stranger's eyes on me while the dark haired guy next to me talked.
"Sorry, i got distracted."

I glanced to him and our eyes met before he smiled and took a step forward.
Normally, I would've backed away but his eyes were so infiltrating that i couldn't keep my owns off them.
"It was nice meeting you, Reveka. Hope you don't leave immediately after the concert so we can hang out a bit."

I swallowed and nodded smiling.
"Yeah, I'd like that."

He winked at me before he truned around, running after his blonde friend, leaving me there breathless.

I tried to keep it together, taking a couple of deep breaths before looking around to find my best friend.
And when i would, i was going to kill her for just leaving me ooutside.

Suddenly, i felt someone pulling me backwards and i almost screeched, but got stopped by the perfume that filled my nostrils.

I turned around, ready to punch my best friend in her face.
"I swear, you better have a god-like apology or else I'm gonna rip your fucking face off."

She blinked a few times  before pressing hrr lips together. "Anger issues much?"

I raised my eyebrow and she immediatly got worried, noticing how tensed i was.
"Wow, did something happen to you? I swear, if someone laid their filth hands on you, imma let them know how it feels having their chopped off dick stuck in their as-."

"No, nobody touched me. But you would've just left me alone out there!"

Her eyes widened as she shook her hed furiously. "No, i would've never! I was actually just looking for a way to get to the side door to open it for you but then i saw you two piggys."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, that's what I would've said too."

Our eyes met and i couldn't be angry at her for long. We both started laughing and she threw her arm around my shoulders, leaving me to the front of the stage.
"How did you get in here anyways?"

I took a deep breath as i thought about how to explain what had happened a few minutes ago. I didn't even know where to start; By his great looks, his humor or his kind nature.
"Well, there was this one guy, who was absolutely gorgeous may i add, who opened the door which i ran into and he asked if i was okay and i was making a total fool of myself and then he grabbed my hand after asking me if i wated to go in and then we went in together and there was this weird feeling i got when he touched me but after we talked a couple moments there was this one guy who said that it was time for i don't even know what and-."

Rose grabbed my shoulders and stopped my midsentence.
I had mentioned earlier that i wasn't much of a talker? Oh yeah, not when i was nervous.
"Hold on, not that fast! Step by step. What's his name?"

My eyes widened and my mouh felt slightly open as i  came to the realizitaion that i didn't aks for his name. "Oh no."

"What? What is it? Please tell me that there's a hot certain sunset curve member stanind behind me, with his manly bass and his hair perfectly styled to the side?"

I tilted my head to the side, confused, before shaking it and going back to the actual topic.
"I didn't get to ask him for his name."

Her jaw dropped as well, eyes examining me in disbelief.
"Wow, that's the biggest 'oh no' i had ever heard. Are you for real? What if he was your soulmate? And because yu don't know his name you can never get to talk to him again because you can't even call after him! You just destroyed your chance of getting laid."

I rolled my eyes. "First fo all, it's not about getting laid. I want it to be special, not just with anyone. And second of all-."

I was cut off by the lights turning off while the ones on the stage turned on and the crowd -mostly girls- started shouting.
My eyes looked at the stage and i swallowed as i saw who was stanidng on top of it, microphone in front of him and his guitar in his hands, his green eyes searching through the crowd as he started playing the first notes of the opening song. 


Second chapter guys! Please tell me how you liked it!

Thanks for reading!❤

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