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As our eyes locked, i felt as if my world collided with his. I examined him; the way his eyes sparkled, his hands moving around on his guitar and his voice filling my ears, i felt as if i wasn't in  crowd.
I felt like he was singing to me, and it was mesmerising, captivating even.

I couldn't stop looking at him, how natural he looked on the big stage, how much he enjoyed singing and playing the guitar, soaking up the attention of the crowd.
It was his world and it wasn't even hard to tell how much effort he put into it.

His songs, the melody and the lyrics, the feeling they gave me, it was nothing i have ever felt before. I still didn't like rock-music, but his rock-music?
That was something else.

And suddenly, as i felt my body loose it, giving in to the rhythm and dancing around without worries, i was happy that Rose had convinced me to come along.
I didn't want it to end, letting go of all my stress and thoughts, the music surrounding my being completely, sinking into the pure sensation of the bass, the guitars, the voice and the drums.

But as the last notes rang out, the freeness of my being faded away aswell, coming back down from my high. The electricity in my body came to a halt and to say I was disappointed was not even close to how I felt when the band stopped playing and the lights went out.
My breathing was heavy and my skin sweaty from the heat the other fans radiated, being happy that I only wore a shirt.

I looked to my left to see my best friend already looking at me, her smile bigger than ever.
"I told you you would love it!" She shouted over the still cheering crowd, my own hands clapping louldy.

"You're the best. You know that,  right?"

She laughed, flipping her slightly wet hair to the side. "Of course. But best only goes with better."
I laughed and shook my head, being happy that i had such a great best friend by my side.

The crowd started to dissolve and Rose laughed, quickly pulling me with her to the bar.
"Two beers, please?" She shouted over the now loud music from the stereo and i chuckled as i saw the look the bartender gave us.

"You not 21." Her russian accent was so think that i struggled to  understaand her but by her look i could guess what she said.

Rose didn't even flinch and continued to try.
"No? How else would we have passed hercules outside?"

I tried to hold in my laughter as the bartender looked us up and down, shaking her hed and truning around.
"Whatever." She grabbed two glasses and poured some beer into the while i watched her with wide eyes. "There you go.4  dollars please."

I swallowed as i got reminded what we had forgotten; money.
"Please tell me that you have a magic trick out of this too." I whispered into Rose's ear and she looked at me, shaking her head in worry.


We both turned around again, just to get face to face to a impatient russian lady, growing annoyed by the second. "4 dollars or no beer."

With both my hands, i searched trhough my jeans pockets, in hopes that i had taken something with me after all, but nothing.
Only Rose's lipgloss was found.

"Eh, I'm sorry but i must've left my wallet in the bathroom. I'm gonna go-." I was cut off by a hand that was being laid on the small of my back, and a well-known voice next to my ear.

"These are on me... Anastasia." He read her name tag and she raised a brow but shook her  head at his comment and served us our drinks.

"You lucky you played good, guitar boy."

I snorted and bit my lip, trying to prevent myself from laughing. I quickly turned around, Luke's hand leaving my skin, and I shot him a quick mile. "We had everything under conrtol, thank you guitar boy." I tried to imitate the bar tenders accents, failing horribly, but what could i say?
It's the thought that counts.

Luke chuckled slightly as he readjusted his newly dressed yellowish beanie before holding his hand out for me to shake.
"I never got to tell you my name. I'm L-."

"LUKE PATERSON!" My best friend squealed and jumped up and down, hugging herself with heart eyes as Luke turned around to her frightened, holding a hand to his heart.

I laughed, shaking my head. "Yeah i figured since i have my own walking sunset curve dictionary by my side."

He joined in with my laugh but quit it the moment my best friend threw her arms around his frame, squeezing him so hard i would've died if it was me in her arms.
"Oh my god, i can't believe it! You're here! You're real! AHHHHH!" She shook him with excitement and Luke smiled, but his face was slightly crunched up at the fangirl-ness of my best friend.

I steppped closer to the two, pulling them apart to stand next to my best friend, hand on her shoulder to pull her backwards if needed.
"Sorry for her. She still has to learn that it is not possible to jump on people."

He laughed as i looked down at my shoes, being embarassed that i just compared my best friend to a dog and that it was funnier in my head than in real life.
"So, anyways. Thanks for the drinks. You didn't have to do that."

He smiled, scratching he back of his head while my eyes travelled to his muscled arms, making my heart stop a beat.
"I didn't, but the things i didn't have to do today but eventually did were the best things that happened tonight." He winked again and i just hoped that he was referring to smuggle me in the first time we met.

"Huh yeah, thanks for that. Again, i guess."

"Are you really talking to Luke Patterson right now?" Rose looked between the two of us as if we were ghost's and i snorted before nodding my head.

"Yup, that's what I'm doing. Talking to a normal person.. You should try it too sommetimes, it's pretty refreshing."

Luke chuckled and i turned back to him, blushing slightly as his eyes met mine. I felt my heart beat accelerating.
I didn't know  what was happening. Normally i wasn't as glued to boys but something about him, the way he speaks, the way he sings, was mesmerising and it was pulling me dangerously close.

Luke nodded toward Rose. "So, you like our band?"
She squeeled as she nodded eagerly, not finding her voice to speak. I've never seen her that excited. "Would you like to meet the others?"

She swallowed before her jaw flew open and her eyes widened. "W-WHA-at-."

"She'd love to meet the others." I answered for her and she nodded.

"I'm gonna go with what she said."

Luke chuckled and he held his hand out for me to take it as our eyes locked. "Then let me show ou parts of my world, Reveka Allen and the strange friend i don't know the name of but i already like." And with that, i closed the distance between our hands, electricity swirling through my body.


Oh god, i swear that everytime i try to make a joke it's literally the funniest shìt in my head but when I say it out loud it sounds sooo stupid...

Well anyways, hope you liked this chapter! Please comment and vote❤❤❤

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