Chapter Seven

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Yoongi closed the door behind him and leaned against it.

"What was that?" Yoongi asked to himself while touching his lips. He blushed and walked away from the music room.


It had been three days since Yoongi and Hoseok had any communication, other than for classwork. Hoseok wanted to speak to Yoongi but was too afraid, as was Yoongi.

 Hoseok decided that he would meet up with Yoongi the next day, Friday.  During lunch Hoseok would steal glances, Yoongi noticed them all but pretended as if he did not.

"Yoongi Hyung!" Jimin yelled across the hallway. Yoongi was putting his books in his locker as it was the end of the day and Jimin just so happened to be walking through the hallways.

"Oh hey Jimin." Yoongi replied, turning towards Jimin

"Do you know my birthday is in two days?!" Jimin yelled Jumping around Yoongi.

"How could I ever forget mochi's birthday?" Yoongi replied laughing.

"Wait a minute, what's that on your neck?" Jimin pointed out the barely visible hickey on Yoongi's neck.

"Oh uh, it's uh-" Yoongi tried to come up with an excuse failing as Jimin smirked at him.

"Better question, who put that on your neck?"

"It doesn't matter, anyways, what's up?" Yoongi replied, covering his neck by pulling up the hoodie on his jacket.

"Mhm~, I wanted to remind you that Halloween is in two weeks! Arent you excited?!"

"Uh, no? Halloween has gotta be the worst holiday yet."

"What? How could you say that?" Jimin asked, so confused on why Yoongi disliked Halloween.

"It just sucks." Yoongi shrugged, closing his locker and starting to walk with Jimin.

"Oh come on Yoongi hyung! Halloween is so fun~" Jimin said, trying to get Yoongi hype.

"No its not, lets just get outta here im sick of the school atmosphere."

"Fine, oh yeah! Jin and Namjoon are throwing a halloween party on the night too." Jimin said, implying that he wanted Yoongi to go.

Yoongi caught on and rolled his eyes.

"I just said I don't like halloween, why would I go to a party on that horrid day? I don't even like party's either."

Jimin sighed and pulled out his phone.

"Sorry Jimin, its just not for me."

"Yeah yeah I get it, uh I have to go Yoongi hyung, my mom texted that dinner is ready and you know that I better get home or she'll kill me hah." Jimin chuckled.

"Yeah, tell her I said hello."

"Will do, bye Yoongi hyung" Jimin yelled as he started running

"Bye Jimin" Yoongi yelled back as he walked off.

"Wait a minute, Oh shoot I left my phone in my locker" Yoongi sighed, as he turned back around heading towards his locker.

Once he reached his locker again, he opened it about to reach for his phone but stopping as a light blue sticky note flew out onto the ground.

Yoongi confused got down and picked up the note reading it.

It read

'Meet me on the roof, I have something to say and its kind of important so if you could come talk, 'Rooftop'


Yoongi was sceptical at first thinking a random creep could be waiting for him on the roof, but soon realised that that's probably a low option considering the high security outside of the school.

Yoongi checked the time as it was currently 4:09 no one was home meaning it didn't matter if he got home late or not.

And so, he obliged, grabbing his phone and zipping up his jacket as he ran up to the roof.

Once Yoongi made it up to the roof he thought it was empty until he noticed a Person wearing a sweater sitting at the edge of the rooftop, he slowly walked over and tapped the person.

The mysterious person turned his head smiling and looked Yoongi in his dark brown eyes.

Yoongi's eyes went kind of wide as the features of the person were becoming more recognizable.

"Wait, Hoseok?"

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