Chapter 12 - Lies

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Tomu was hitting Bakugo in the head. 

"I hate you Father! I hate you!" He yelled as he hit him. Bakugo growled, dropping the crib and grabbed one of Tomu's hands. 

"Enough!" He yelled, making Tomu stop.

"You think I was lying? I will kill you and papa but if you hit me one more time, I will kill you right now." He said. Tomu had tears and Bakugo let his hand go and grabbed the crib again. Tomu didn't hit him again but cried as he walked to the new house. Once in, he saw that Midoriya was waking up slowly. He put the crib on the ground and walked over and untied Midoriya's feet. He then tied up Tomu's hands to Midoriya and stood. 

"For hitting me, I will go kill them." He said and left. Tomu screamed at him to stop but Bakugo didn't. Midoriya got worried and looked at Tomu as he cried and pulled at the rope to stop Bakugo. 

'T-Tomu. W-What happened?' Midoriya thought, still feeling the effects from the chloroform. 

~With Bakugo~

The promise to kill his family would keep Shigaraki and the others away, but now he needed to keep his family in the new house. He walked for a few minutes before he stopped and waited. He waiting for a while before he saw what he needed. A deer. He rose his hand and with one of his AP shot's, the deer went down. He walked up to it and plunged his hands in to it, making sure to get its blood all over him. He then turned and walked back. As he walked in, Midoriya and Tomu stopped. 

"They are dead. Tomu, you know this is your fault that Shigaraki and the others had to die right?" Bakugo said before he moved to grab a towel and wipe the blood off his hands but there was a lot. Tomu started to sod and leaned on Midoriya. Bakugo then moved back and took the gag out of Midoriya's mouth. 

"Tell me you didn't...Tell me it's a lie." Midoriya said. Bakugo cupped his cheek and Midoriya felt the blood. It was still warm. 

"I'm sorry. Tomu found them and lead them to us. I left and brought Tomu back but I returned, killing Kirishima, Dabi, Toga, Kurogiri and Shigaraki." Bakugo lied and stood. Midoriya looked at Tomu, who was still crying. 

"U-Untie me Bakugo." Midoriya said. Bakugo looked at him as he grabbed a rag and cleaning supply's. 

"No. I have to clean." He said and walked into the house. Midoriya had tears and moved, trying to nudge Tomu. 

"Tomu, crawl up on my lap." Midoriya said. Tomu did, his head under Midoriya's chin. Midoriya rested his head on his son.

"It's not your fault Tomu. It's mine." He said. Tomu pulled back and looked at him. 

"But papa!" Tomu said but Midoriya shook his head. 

"No. I asked you to leave. This is my fault. Now we have to stay here but papa will protect you." He said. Tomu gave a small nod and leaned on Midoriya again, soon falling asleep from all the crying. Midoriya looked at the exit. 

'Bakugo will most likely seal that up.' Midoriya thought. That's when Bakugo walked out. 

"Man it's bad in that house. It will be weeks before its all clean." Bakugo said and sat next to Midoriya and looked at him. 

"I'm working on Tomu's room right now. I was thinking if I can get the floor clean, then we can all sleep in there for tonight." He said. Midoriya gave a small nod. Bakugo put a hand on his cheek and made Midoriya look at him. 

"I will tell you this Midoriya. If you try that stunt again, I will Kill Tomu in front of you. I will make sure you watch as his life is taken. Do I make myself clear?" Bakugo said. Midoriya gave a nod. Bakugo leaned in and kissed him. 

"Good." He said and let him go as he stood, walking back in. Midoriya had tears but looked down at his son. He would do anything to protect him, even going as far as to listen to Bakugo's every word. Midoriya pulled his feet up so he could hold Tomu is some way and cried his heart out. 

His Grip (Shigaraki x Midoriya) *Sequel to Your Grip* | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now