chapter five

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i have no approach to where I'm heading but this appears like a safe spot to rest. I've been walking for what it resembles like forever, there was a big tree with various amount of bumps with different shapes and sizes going around. for a bonus, there was a mossy log beside it. I of course didn't mind and decide to use the log to lay my feet on top. I'm getting quite sleepy... so I suppose ill simply take a nap here.


ugh stupid Ray where have you gone. I've walked for so long already, since when did you get the stamina to walk so far. I ended up noticing his presence but he didn't seem alone? As I approached him, I saw something big and bumpy.. with significant big claws and major sharp teeth. I let out a shriek. As loud as I can I yelled out "RAYYYY" 

the worst that could possibly happen did. Ray was sleeping on a demon camouflaged as a tree. What could I possibly do, Ray is sound asleep and the demon hasn't even noticed yet but once it does... he's in trouble. I have to act fast but I couldn't kill the demon since the eyes of the demon were hidden. I know where the body is and the head but I can't find its eyes. The only option I had was to get Ray. The demon was already awake, it's head is constantly moving from left to right. As fast as I could I ran towards Ray and In the attempts to grab him, the best I could do was nudge him in a way where he finally woke up but the demon's tail flung me to a tree where my back met its way to the hard spruce tree. I slid down the tree and landed on my butt, at least ray was able to wake up. Ray quickly got up from his stance and ran a few feet away from the demon before approaching it again to fire with his gun at his body. Quickly grabbing my bow, I climbed up the tree and swung using the vines of the tree, I swung from tree to tree until I was able to see the demons face. The demon was rapidly approaching Ray so as shortly as I could I grabbed my bow and positioned my aim at its face but I STILL couldn't see its eyes. The demon's eyes must be pitch black because they camouflaged with the night sky. I was panicking I didn't know what to do, Ray yelled "EMMA SHOOT ALREADY" I yelled back "I CAN-" mid-sentence I noticed the moon's light was able to reflect from the demons eye which was centered on the demon's face! I let go of my arrow and watched it glide towards the demon. BULLSEYE! The arrow hit! before the demon died, it let out the loudest shriek and later fell to the ground. I climbed down the tree approaching ray who was covered with demon blood. 

"HEYY RAY!!" I shouted out

"IDIOT. how are you so calm in a situation where I could've DIED!!"

"I wasn't calm."

"well you sure act like you are, avoiding the fact that I have DEMON BLOOD ALL OVER ME!!

"YOU SIR should be thanking me!! I just saved your life."

"pfft yeah whatever, you could've done it sooner."

"be grateful damn it."


ray using a calm but angry tone.. said, "listen here you little shit. if you didn't come and run towards me that monster or demon wouldn't have fucking reacted, you got that?"

"but but..."

"no buts shut the fuck up."

"why are you so mad? i saved your life why can't you appreciate that"







shit. Emma's mood changed from happy, confused, and then concerned. But its true... there's no point in existing, I believe that the whole purpose in life is to establish a future with the one person you cherish the most. I can't be fit for Norman due to the fact that Norman is straight. I presently can't object that he's straight. I waited for him, I looked for him, I was willingly going to leave Emma just to have a future with norman. Norman probably felt the same but instead of leaving the future with Emma, he was leaving the future with me. 

I muttered "nevermind that, lets just get back home"

I headed towards the path where I came from, hands in my pocket, kicking anything in my way. Emma followed behind me but the whole walk back no one said a single word to each other, however, I didn't mind. I prefer the silence but it did kinda bother me that I hurt emmas feelings. when we came back we were welcomed by norman. Norman studied me up and down marking the blood all over me, "seems like you had a nice walk" 

as I walked past norman entering the shelter I responded "shove a sock in it, would you?"

norman giggled, that sweet innocent laugh. oh how much I loved that giggle of his, before I knew it I ended up feeling a smile arranged across my face. As I looked behind to face norman... there he was carrying Emma. Emmas legs wrapped around his waist, her arms wrapped around his neck. doing that cutesy shit couples do where they rub their nose together, barf. oh how lucky you are Emma.

we'll be together *Norman x Ray*Where stories live. Discover now