Katsu-Kiss | Kacchako

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Ochako Uraraka is enjoying her walk in the UA corridors. Every since she woke up this morning, she have this feeling that today is going to be a great day. The sky is clear, the birds are chirping and the autumn breeze is calming. It's a peaceful morning-


Or so she thought.

Ochako sighed heavily as she hears the note muffled screams of her blonde boyfriend. She know that voice to well. Picking up her pace, she made her way to their classroom. There, she saw Katsuki Bakugo stomping his feet towards their classroom's door. Before he could walk in, the brunette grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the fire exit.

"Oi! What the-"

Ochako ignored her boyfriend's complain and quickly shut the door behind her. She then faces the blonde, who's obviously fuming with anger.

"Who pissed in your cereal this morning?" Ochako raised an eyebrow at him. He scoffed.

"No one. If there's someone who's pissed, it's me."

"Oh, so you pissed in your cereal? Katsuki that's eewie!"


Ochako laughed at him. "Shush, I'm just kidding." Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"I'm glad youre finding this funny, cheeks." Not wanting to push his buttons further, Ochako immediately stopped herself from laughing and looked at her boyfriend softly.

"Oops, sorry. But kidding aside, why are you so mad?" she asked. Katsuki, surprised by her sudden calm demeanor, spared her a glance for a second before looking away.


This time, it's Ochako's turn to roll eyes.

"I'm not buying that."

"It's silly."

"But it still made you mad so?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Oh my god just tell me already!"

Katsuki smirked at his girlfriend's outburst, making Ochako roll her eyes again. He really likes to push her to her limits. She isn't complaining though, for this is the reason why she loved him at the first place. She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, nodding at Katsuki to make him spill.

"Geez, you're not letting this go, are you?" Ochako shook her head. Katsuki stared at her for a second and sighed softly before pulling her into a hug, which made her let out a tiny squeak. She felt him wrap his arms around her waist tightly, with his chin resting on the top of her head. Though confused, she reciprocated the hug, earning a satisfied sigh from the blonde.


"I fucking missed you."

Ochako felt herself blush.

"I fucking wanted to see you as soon as possible, so I stormed through the corridors but those shitty extras needed to be on the damn way."

He felt Ochako giggle on his chest causing him to smile a bit.

"Hmm, understandable. I missed you too Katsuki." Ochako lifted her face to look at the boy's crimson eyes.

Oh how she love those eyes

Her face lightened when an idea suddenly crossed her mind.

"Ah! I know how to take your anger away," she declared proudly.

"Yeah? And how will you it?" Katsuki raised an eyebrow at her challengingly.

Ochako grinned widely before giving the blonde a quick kiss on the lips. Katsuki was stunned to say the least.

"That's what I call 'Katsu-kiss' and that's my own way of taming the beast," Ochako bragged.

"So, how's it? Did it calm you down, huh?" she asked, half joking. Gaining himself back, a smirk made its way on Katsuki's face.

"Nah. I think you should try it again."

The brunette laughed at his antics, but nonetheless proceeded to kiss the blonde again.

Well it's safe to say that she definitely tamed the beast with the best way possible.

• • •

This idea actually came from a comic I've read on twitter. I forgot who made it but yeah. Haha!

Soooo how's it? Let me know what you think of my two oneshots 👉👈

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