Awooo~ | Todokacchako

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The moon shines elegantly as the night goes deeper. The whole forest falls into a comfortable silence with only few cricket sounds could be heard. Ochako, with her little bag and her pink with black prints staff, is lying down beneath an old tree while gazing at the moon who seems to be staring back at her.

Without tearing her eyes away from the celestial body, she hums a soft tune while stroking the fur of a werewolf, who's head is on her lap. The creature nuzzles into her more, which tells her he enjoys the girl's touch.

Though he probably won't admit it.

Ochako lets the wolf nap soundly as they wait for Shouto, their vampire friend, who said he needs to go back to their house to get something he forgot. They didn't mind, for although they are, well, mythical creatures as what humans call them, still need a little rest from time to time.

She began to worry about the vampire, but then again, remembers he is indeed a vampire who needs no rest, so she shrug it off.

She looked at the creature on her lap quickly before looking back at the bright full moon floating in the sky. The three of them have been roaming around their territory, which is the whole mountain they're on, to check for unwelcomed creatures who dare to trespass. It was the end of October, which what they call in human's term, "halloween," where creatures of the dark like them gets extra powerful, that sometimes leads into aggression, given the fact that it's also full moon.

Indeed, it is the day of the year where a lot of creatures and monsters are lurking everywhere.

Ochako felt the surge of magic slowly creeps on her body as she stares longer at the moon. She feels powerful, more than ever, but she doesn't worry a bit about her going crazy, as the three of them somehow learned to control themselves as time passed by.

She continued to admire the celestial's beauty and absorb the magic it's been giving, until it was replaced with two unmatched eyes staring back at her. She put on a fake frown.

"Ugh, why'd you block the view?" she fake whined.

Shouto blinked at her. "I'm a whole view myself."

Ochako snorts.

"Katsuki's finally rubbing off on you, huh?"

"Don't forget I'm here, cheeks."

Ochako let out an 'oops' as she and Shouto watch Katsuki rise from his slumber and sit beside her. She wonders how she didn't notice him transform back into his human form while he's practically on her lap a while ago.

Has she been zoning out?

As Katsuki fixes his hair, Ochako turned to Shouto.

"What did you get?"

"Jacket. It's cold." He points at the black with a touch of white and red jacket he's wearing.

"The fuck you mean it's cold? You're naturally fucking cold dumbass. You don't need a damn jacket."

Ochako giggles. "Oh c'mon Kat, we both know he's doing it for fashion. A pretty boy's gotta do what he needs to do."

Katsuki snickered while Shouto rolled his eyes.

"Of course it's not for me." He took off the jacket and tossed it towards Ochako, who managed to catch it even though she's surprised.

"Eh? So it's for me?"

Shouto nods. "I noticed you shivering, so I came back to get you something to warm you up."

"Aww, Shouto you're so sweet." She smiles at him and wraps the jacket around her. She immediately feel warm.

"But this is yours though? Not that I'm complaining but you could've get my coat."

"Tch. He probably wants to see you in his clothes."

Ochako immediately blushed at Katsuki's words. She punched him lightly on his forearms.

"Don't just say things like that," she whined.

"Hm maybe," Shouto hummed which made Ochako's cheeks redder. "Why, you jealous?"

Katsuki glared at him but quickly looked away. "Shut the fuck up."

Shouto hide a smirk as the blonde didn't deny it. Ochako stares confusedly at the two.

"I'm actually jealous of you though. Must've felt good to have a nap."

"Oh fuck off, you don't need sleep."

"Yeah, being this powerful makes you forget about feeling tired I guess."

Katsuki stood up and glares at him, again.

"Are you challenging me, you blood sucker?"

Shouto remained unamused. "What if I am?"

Ochako watch as things unfold in front of her. Living with the two for years, she's used to their bickering. She doesn't complain though, for she needs entertainment from time to time, and teasing Katsuki is her best source.

But tonight is different. She's really tired from roaming for about 20 hours straight. Although she's a witch, she still has a human body that needs a real sleep, unlike her two companions who are naturally strong.

She stood up, dust herself and gathered her stuffs, before approaching the still bickering werewolf and vampire, and...

Well, bonked their head with her staff.

The two immediately turned towards her.

"WHAT THE HELL, WITCH?" She rolled her eyes.

"Don't you get tired of fighting each other?" she said tiredly.

Shouto shrugged. "Sorry, can't help it. He's easy to rile up."

Katsuki was about to yell when they felt a sudden negative energy inside their territory. The three of them shared a look. Shouto bared his fangs. Ochako felt her energy coming back to her. Katsuki smirked.

"Finally, I've been looking for a damn fight for a while now."

In an instant, he transformed into his wolf form and howled at the moon.

"Hah, don't think we'll let you have it all on your own, pup! Right, Shou?" Ochako nudges Shouto who gave a smirk in return.

"Of course."

Katsuki growled at the both of them before facing the trail where they could feel the energy coming from. Before he could run, Ochako beat him into it and dashed to the woods.

She looked back at the boys who are still standing there and winked at them.

"Whoever gets there late will cook us dinner!"

Shouto and Katsuki shared a look, both amused and equally fired up.

"Looks like we'll have Chef Katsuki for tonight," Shouto said before disappearing into the woods in a flash.

'Like hell I would let you' Katsuki growled before also dashing into the woods.

Nonetheless, it was a fun halloween night for the three.

• • •

Happy Holloween! This is just an impromptu plotless one shot since it's halloween and to somehow make up for not updating for weeks so yeah, hope you enjoy it!

Todokacchako is my OT3 by the way, so I'm finally adding it!

Also, I can't think of any title lol. Sorry for that hah.

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