a living hell

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Hey, guys, it's the author. This is going to be last part before we get into the actual plotline from the one shot series. So if it seems rushed, I'm sorry. Anyways, onto the chapter.


Even though I was surrounded by people, I was lonely.

On the outside, I put on a brave face, talking back when possible, cracking jokes, and the occasional vine reference.

But I was miserable. I was called to Kuroo's bed almost daily, sometimes allowing him to do as he please, trying to make the suffering go away.

And as the weeks turned to months, and the months turned into a year, I found myself thinking more and more about her.

Kuroo didn't know about her yet, otherwise he would have had her killed or brought here to be used as a pawn to control me.

And I could never let that happen, I would die before I would ever allow anything to happen to her.

I was sitting on the bed when he came out of the shower, rubbing his hair dry with a towel. Denying that he looked good would have been a lie, but I had more important things to discuss with him.

"Hey, Kuroo?"

He heard me and made his way over to the part of the bed I was seated on. 

"How many times have I told you to call me Tetsuroo? Soon, you'll be Kuroo too. Don't want be confused, do we?"

He smirked and sat down next to me. I just rolled my eyes.

"Kuroo, Tetsuroo, there's no difference. Nobody cares." Before I could say anything else, he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. 

"We really need to work on the respect thing, don't we?"

"Maybe, but please move your hand. Do you want to hear what I have to say or not?"

He let go of my chin and I massaged my jaw a little bit.

"Jesus. You know, it wouldn't hurt you to be gentler."

"Just say what you have to say. I have a meeting to be at."

"Fine. I just wanted to know why you chose to kidnap me instead of just getting to know me normally."

Kuroo frowned. "Y/n, we've been over this. I wanted you. This was the only way."

"No it wasn't!" I snapped. "You could've gotten to know me normally, not just killed off everyone I ever loved! And who knows? Maybe I would've fallen for you. We could've been in a healthy relationship. But you chose to take everything away. I feel nothing but disgust for you."

Kuroo gently stroked my cheek. I jerked my head away. He chuckled darkly.

"That's not what you were saying when you were screaming my name last night."

I gave him a long, hard glare.

"I only sleep with you because I'm bored. I wouldn't otherwise. Don't be so full of yourself. And you still haven't answered my question. Why couldn't we have done this normally?"

"Easy. At least this way I can guarantee you would be mine. What if I had tried to seduce you, but you ignored my advances? What then? Also, I can't always be in the States. I always keep you with me. Besides, now you don't have other people distracting you. I'm your only concern."

I scowled darkly. "I will never, and I mean NEVER love you. You better get used to that idea."

Kuroo laughed and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"You say that now, darling. Just wait till I find who you're hiding. Once they're dead, there will be nothing stopping you from devoting every waking moment, every fleeting thought to me. Then we can truly be one. Now, goodbye babe. I'm only going to be gone for a few hours. And the guys and I have a little surprise for you and the others. I love you."

He smiled and pressed a long, hard kiss to my lips. I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Go away."

"I love you."


He smiled again, opening the door.

"I'll get you to say it back someday. Goodbye my love."

After the door shut, I stuck out my tongue and threw a pillow at door. It was childish, but how else was I supposed to get out my frustration? I flopped onto my back, staring at the ceiling. Just how long did he expect me to stay here? There were no electronics, no books, no TV. Just a bed, dresser, and desk. 

I hopped off the bed, walking over to the desk. Before I opened it, I had a thought. I carefully walked around the room, searching for a camera. And in an obscure corner of the room, there was a video camera. 

I walked over to the bed and grabbed a sham from one of the pillows. It was thick enough to block the view of the camera. I placed the sham over it, and continued my snooping. 

I didn't find much in the desk, just some papers, pens, a calculator, and other office supplies.  The drawers didn't much either, but one did have a rather large bag of candy. I snickered. So he had a sweet tooth. 

I continued to snoop, finding nothing interesting, until I heard a soft buzzing from somewhere inside the desk. I felt around a little bit until I found a small button that released a hidden door. 

Inside the drawer was a phone, and it was buzzing for a call from an unknown number. Against my better judgement, I decided to answer it. 


"Hi yes, this is a call from the IRS. You are missing over 10,000 dollars in taxes and the FBI will be at your house tomorrow to arrest you. This can only be avoided if you wire us 10,000 dollars right now."

I snorted. It was obviously a scam. I hung up the phone when an idea hit me. The key to my escape was right in my hand.

I quickly typed in Allison's number. I could only talk for a short time, but it would have to do. Kuroo would be back any minute.

I pressed the call button, and tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for her to pick up.


"Allison?" I was relieved to hear my best friends voice.

"Oh my god, Y/N? Is that you?" 

I started to hear footsteps coming down the hall.

"Yes, its me. Look, I don't have much time, he's coming. I can only tell you one thing. Kuroo Tetsuroo. Tell your dad." I heard his voice outside the hallway.

"Y/n? Babe?"

"Y/n, what's going on?" Allison's concerned voice came over the speaker.

"He's here. Kuroo Tetsuroo. Tell your father. Bye."

I quickly hung up the phone, tossed it into the drawer, and slammed it shut. I leaped onto the bed just in time for Kuroo to open the door. 

"Y/n? Did I hear you talking to someone?"

I glared at him.

"Yeah, the fucking wall. You lock me in here, I'm bound to go crazy sometime."

Kuroo laid on the bed next to me, taking me into his arms.

"You sure are funny, y/n. That's why I love you."

I didn't respond, hoping, praying that my message got through to someone. Allison's dad was rich, powerful. He was bound to have connections that knew Kuroo's name. He could help me. I only prayed that it was sooner than later. 

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