not goodbye

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Final part before epilogue. Also copied directly from one-shot book


After a few weeks, I allowed Kuroo to see Alison again, and fortunately, it went smoothly.

After that, we allowed him to visit with her as much as be wanted, however there were some ground rules.

1. Every visit was supervised. There ways had to be Me, Emir or his wife as well as an armed guard present.

2. He could not see her before 9 am and after 7 pm.

3. He could not go to her school or meet her teachers

4. He could not mention ANYTHING about gangs, murder, drugs or violence.

Kuroo always followed the rules with a smile on his face, grateful to spend time with his little girl. And after every visit, he always thanked me.

While I still hated him, I began to trust him. And one day, I made the executive decision to let him a have 30 minutes with Alison unsupervised.

To say he was grateful would be an understatement. If he wasn't handcuffed, he would've leapt into my arms.

He was led into Alison's room, and the handcuffs were removed. Her room was on the top floor, so escape through the windows wasn't an option. A guard was also posted outside the door, but he was I instructed not to eavesdrop on anything that might be said.

The thirty minutes passed quickly, and when I entered the room, Alison was asleep in his arms, her head rested against his shoulder. I opened my mouth to speak, but Kuroo placed his finger against his lips.

Instead of saying anything, I slid down against the bedpost, sitting next to Kuroo. I looked at him pointedly and pantomimed putting her in bed. He quickly got the memo and stood up carefully, trying to not wake her up.

He carried her over to the bed and every so gently laid her in between the covers. He tucked her in and turned to face me. I beckoned for him to come over, which he did.

"How did it go?"

Kuroo smiled, not one of the sadistic ones that I was used to, but a genuine, happy smile.

"It went very well. We played with her dolls for a little bit, but then she demanded that I read her a story. She fell asleep when I was done."

I smiled, glad to see that the monster I knew had a soft side. He was still human.

"How about this. For one hour a week, I'll let you have alone time with her, no supervision except a guard posted outside the door. If you continue to behave, it'll be boosted to three hours a week."

His eyes filled with tears. He lurched forward suddenly, wrapping me in a hug, and placing his face in my neck.

"Thank you." He murmured.

I returned the hug.

"You're welcome. I guess its your right to be with your daughter. In fact, lets go lay down next to her."

I broke from the hug and walked over to the bed where Alison was sleeping, and I laid down on her right side. Kuroo did the same on her left side.

I snuggled into the blankets, my daughter in my arms. Kuroo wrapped his arms around the both of. I still wasn't comfortable around him, but I brushed off the feeling. It was ok, just this once.

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