true love

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Hey guys, another chapter copied directly from the one shot book! Like in the last chapter, I will go through and edit after I finish the fic. Roughly 5-6 chapters left to go after this one.


I sat on the swing during lunch, reading a book, alone. This was the norm for me, seeing as I didn't have any friends.

But that was ok. In my mind friends were chains, holding you back from your true potential.

So everyday I sat alone reading a book, not talking to anyone and nobody talking to me.

Until one day, the prettiest girl in our class made the effort to talk to me. She walked over, plunked herself in the swing next to me and asked what I was reading.

That was my first experience with Alison Ramirez.

Over time, we grew closer, despite our different backgrounds. And boy, were we different.

Alison was the bubbly, outgoing, caring, homecoming princess type whereas I was was the quiet, loner, weeb type. A total tsundere. Alison was also significantly shorter than me, never growing taller than 4'11.

Over time, my friendship with her deepened, with the two of us becoming inseparable. Everything we did, we did together.

I protected that girl with my life. A guy broke her heart? I'd beat him up. Someone made fun of her? I ruined their lives.

And then, she moved. She told me the same day I was going to confess. I was shell shocked. So I decided not to confess. Alison moved, but we never lost contact.

We called everyday, never skipping, and we visited each other as much as we could. We complained about school, home and work. Our friendship grew even stronger.

Then I got abducted. Ali had to know something was wrong when I didn't pick up the phone that evening. I never missed a day.

I last saw Ali 16 months ago on a facetime call the morning I went missing.

And now she was here, in my kidnappers basement.


She looked up and saw my tear streaked face, the bruises and scars, and my dark circles and ran to me.

"What did they do to you? What happened to you?"

I shook off her hands.

"Fuck me, what did they do to you? If they touched you I'll fucking kill them" I seethed in anger.

"Y/n! They haven't touched me! And look at you! They've clearly hurt you! What have they done!"

"I DONT CARE ABOUT ME,' I screamed. 'You are all that matters right now."

Behind me, Kuroo laughed. He walked forward and put a hand on each of our shoulders.

"I see I've finally found your weakness, y/n. I want you to do as I say, or I'll hurt her."

I narrowed my eyes at him

"You kill my parents? Fine. You kill my friends and employers, that's also fine. But her?' I pointed at Ali. 'She is off limits. Touching her is crossing a line."

He smirked.

"Then you wont mind doing what I say.' He pointed the gun at Ali. 'I want you to say that you love me, or I kill her."

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