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"DiLioncourt Manor?" I gasped and my eyes shot to Zachary. "I told you to take me to the Lafayette cemetery!"

Zachary's face was unreadable and that irritated me even further.

I sat up and saw that my body was draped across a silver-blue chaise. I was wearing a robe the the same color as the lounge. I jumped instantly and stared the three people in the room down.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"Because I asked my grandson to bring you." The shorter woman with the fifties curls and white tuxedo jumpsuit spoke.

"And who the hell are you?" I frowned at both her and Zachary.

"I am Alesmira DiLioncourt. The high priestess of the DiLioncourt witches of the old order." She spoke as she twitched over to the sofa across from me and sat.

"Is that suppose to mean something to me?" I crossed my arms at her.

"Good God, Zachary. Where on earth did you find this foul mouthed voodoo wench?" The tall woman finally spoke in a southern belle drawl.

This woman was dressed in a three piece, green velvet pantsuit with a deep violet tie hanging loosely around her neck. Her shock blonde hair was cut in a blunt bob that reached her shoulders. Gold jewelry glittered from her ears and fingers in a very showy way.

"Watch it you racist old bitch!" I shot back at her with venom in my words.

She gasped and grimaced at me.

"Delia, please be respectful to our guest?" Alesmira chastised the woman.

"Am I-a guest that is? Because right now I feel like a prisoner." I shot at Alesmira.

"My child, you're no prisoner here. I've merely summoned you here to speak with you." Alesmira shrugged with serpentine grace.

"Speak with me? About?" I rose a perfectly arched brow to her.

"I want you to set up a meeting between the Voodoo Queen and myself."

Voodoo Queen? As in Anjelica? I thought to myself.

"Why?" I asked, warily.

"Oh just for a derby tea is all."

"Bullshit. You wouldn't have gone through all this trouble to bring me here to forward a tea invitation." I rose you chin as I dissolved her fake politeness.

"You'd be very surprised how hard it is to get into contact with Anjelica given the bad blood between us."

"Well, maybe for good reason. After all aren't your kind known as Shadow Walkers?"

"We have many names. That one seems to stick amongst your people." She gave a pinched lipped smirk.

"'My people'...right. Well, this has been not-so-great. I'm gonna leave and pass on your 'invitation' and pray that my family doesn't come for you in the process. Since you did-in fact-kidnap me." I tore open the robe and threw it onto the chaise lounge.

"Amara, I am not your enemy." Alesmira spoke as I started towards the door.

"Oh yea? Well why is it that I get creepy vibes from all of you?" I called over my shoulder.


An hour later my Uber drops me off at the Leveau estate. When I walk through the door, Seraph's tiny frame engulfs me into a huge hug.

"Amara! Where the hell did you disappear to?! We all were about to send a search party!" She exclaimed.

"It's a long story." I sighed and immediately noticed the entire family along with twenty men and women dressed in black clad all standing in the foyer. "Whoa."

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