Chapter Four

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After only getting a few hours of sleep, it was a surprise to myself that I was awake and helping to load up the truck. Well, the couple mountain dews I'd already chugged this morning may have helped immensely. That and I wasn't actually moving much.

No, I was inside the truck. Being the smallest made it so I got shoved into the truck to rearrange the boxes that were brought down. Currently I was trying to balance between the couch cushions and a dresser, searching for a way to balance boxes while also not falling myself. It wasn't an easy task.

Balancing my way to the front of the truck to await more boxes I saw Jasper waiting for me. He arched an eyebrow at me.

"Are you coming?"

I flipped him the bird which got a laugh from him. "I'm trying. It's not as easy as it looks."

"Looks plenty easy from where I'm standing."

When I finally reached him I bent down to smack his shoulder, thankful for the new prosthetic he'd designed which allowed me to bend. It still took some getting used to, it was also the reason why I wasn't helping them bring stuff down from the apartment.

"Is it empty in there yet?" I asked.

He put a hand on the backs of each of my thighs, getting as close to me as he could manage from this angle. "It is a little bit."

I pouted. "It's a little sad." It truly was. This was the first apartment I'd very had, my first thing that signified my independence. It was where I'd gone to live in solitude after Blaine's death and Jasper leaving to Houston. It was the place I could be free from the memories of Blaine at every turn. His memory no longer haunting me when I walked down the hall. A piece of freedom.

"I almost don't want to leave."

"I know." He murmured. "It'll be alright though. We can do this. More importantly," he squeezed my thighs. "You can do this. I know you will."

I smiled when something caught my eye. Looking up towards the apartment I noticed that the stairs had been turned into a ramp of sorts. Carly was at the top of the steps carefully setting a box down before giving it a little push and watching it go down the makeshift slide.

My jaw dropped. Jasper followed my gaze and grinned mischievously.

"What is going on?"

Jasper laughed. "We improvised. None of us wanted to go up and down the stairs all day so we set this up. They put stuff on the ramp, I grab it and give it to you. Our own assembly line of movers."

I wanted to be mad but had to admit that it was a clever idea. So long as none of my things could be broken.

"My vinyl collection will not be going down that slide, Jasper."

"I know." He said and gently tapped a box with his foot, diverting my attention. "I'd never let your things be broken."

He really wouldn't. Just like with me, he treasured the things I loved, treated them with the utmost care.

I stood back up, Jasper's hands slid down the back of my legs. He sighed, lifted my box of vinyls up for me to grab before jumping up onto the back of the truck so he was standing at my side. After I'd come back from placing the vinyl box in a secure spot, I returned to him.

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