Doctor Aden Montgomery

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This morning, I was told by Kay that Commissioner Hadee will be sending us a new forensic specialist. This person is being hired to help the local morticians assess deaths related to homicide. When violence rises, sadly, so do the death rates.




I jumped!
Attempting to collect my thoughts, my hand shakily reached for the hefty door in front of me. On the other side was none other than Commissioner of Midway.

" Hello, Chief Onyx Finn."

" Welcome, Commissioner Hadee."

Next to him was a familiar looking woman.
I could not quite put my finger on where I had seen her previously...

Commissioner Hadee beamed." This is our newest recruit! She has her doctorates in forensic science, Miss Aden Montgomery."

When gesturing to the woman, I noticed that she stood about 4 inches taller than me, her frame was quite thin, and she was probably in her late 20's. Her hair was cut to medium length with a reddish- brown hue that complemented her bright blue eyes.

I stood up straighter but couldn't compete.

A smile came a crossed her freckled face. "It's very nice to see you again, Onyx Finn."

"Aden?" My head reeling as the memories rushed back. " What are you doing here?"

Commissioner Hadee's eyebrows raised. " Do you know each other."

" Yeah... I-I mean we knew each other n-not really recently."

" You seem to know a lot of women." Mumbled Hadee as he turned on his heels. " Okay. Well, I'll be going. I am sure you will straighten everything out."

" It's actually Doctor  Aden Montgomery of forensic science to you, Onyx."

" What?"

" You know what I meant. Dr. Aden, please."

" Seems a little wordy if you ask me."

Her eyes smiled as she waited for my answer.

Finding the corners of my mouth beginning to turn upward, I opened the door hastily. " Okay! Sounds great! Have you been shown around?"

Aden raised an eyebrow. " Not yet. I believe that would be your job, sir. "

'She's so rude.'

" Shall we then?" I politely usher her out of my office.

'Aden Montgomery, I haven't seen you in eight years and you still have that sarcastic, preppy- 'better than everyone' else attitude. I wouldn't be surprised  if you quit in a month.'

Attempting to keep a smile on my face, I introduced her to my secretary who sat at her desk. " This is my secretary, Miss Kay Maddox. She's been here with us for about a month now."

" Nice to meet you," Kay obviously wanted to join our conversation but was immediately interrupted by a call. " Sorry, I gotta take this. I'll catch up with you both later. "

Aden turned to me, commenting. " The police station has always had a female secretary, even when your father was chief of the police force. "

" Yes. It was Mrs. Shirley when I was a child, Misty for about two years, until she married Victor... Kay now. I went without a secretary for a while until recent."

" Wait- Misty married Victor?"

" Yes. They've been married for a little bit now. I haven't seen him as-of-late but we go golfing every now and then. Last I heard, they are trying to have a baby. "

' Too much information. She didn't need to know all that...' I internally facepalmed.

She cleared her throat. " I see. So he isn't Detective Victor Wallace anymore?"

" No, just good buddy Victor. Misty had a hand in his early retirement and they run an ice cream parlor downtown."

" An ice cream shoppe? I never would've seen that in his future!" Aden laughed," We have a lot to catch up on."

Kay peered over the desk at us chatting. She shifted in her chair uncomfortably.

" I'm sure you'll hear it all eventually. Let's leave our poor secretary to her work. Sorry for being rude, Miss Kay."

"Oh! It's fine, sir! I'm never bothered by you." Giggled Kay.

I noticed Aden eyeing her as we left the room.

" Should we move on?"

There were many rooms to which we strolled past. The cafeteria was the first. Next, I showed her to the bathrooms and shower stalls. Then the car garage, the processing and evidence office, and the holding cells which were are all closely clustered together. Towards the front of the station was the interviewing room, Detective's office, and storage room.
We stepped down the stairs and entered into the basement where the forensic processing room was. It was immensely cooler than the main room above. The brick walls were lined with tools, probes, aprons and other things that Aden could need. Against the wall, stood the examination table and a lamp overlooking. With no natural light due to the lack of windows, this made the atmosphere over all gloomy.
There was a surprising silence, in contrast to the constant noise above.

"And here is your office."

"Wow, the station is a lot bigger than I remember."

" You haven't seen it since we were younger."

Aden half-smiled while tilting her head. " I remember. We were just kids then."

I broke her gaze feeling sheepish. " So, you coming back tomorrow?"

" Yeah. I'll come back tomorrow." Her frail body leaned against the door frame.

" First day on the job. Bright and early. Seven in the morning!"

" I'll make sure I have my coffee. "

" Yeah, you and me both. " I caught up with her as she began to leave. " So, who's coming to pick you up? Didn't you drive here with Commissioner Hadee?"

Aden didn't answer for a while.

We stepped into the main room with all the hustle and bustle of work. She spoke up as it was difficult to hear each other.
" Oh! A-actually my boyfriend! I moved back here from Canada because of him."

My heart sank a little. " Oh. That's funny that your boyfriend is here in your hometown. I thought you had told me you were never coming back. "

" Yeah... That was the plan but things change. I have met the love of my life and now we are together at home. "

" What's his name? Maybe I know him?"

" Ivan. Ivan Stock."

" You're actually kidding, right?" I gawked.

" No," Squealed Aden excitedly," He's just the best!"

I glanced over at the sitting room which was visible from the front doors. "Yeah... Well that's great for you! Would you excuse me?"

' He can't see her. I won't let him!'

" Yeah, he's just about here anyways." She looked down at her wrist watch.

I was already gone. Sprinting across the room.

Aden stared outside until she heard a car's horn. After which, she disappeared behind the glass doors.

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