Round 2

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Frisk crawled through the vents until they saw a sliver of light. Then they stood there and listened in.

"SANS!!! You lazybones! Get up and do your tasks." One of the crewmates said.

"Aww, come on Papyrus, give me a break!" Another crewmate that Frisk assumed was the one called "Sans" said.

The other crewmate, "Papyrus" responded, "You've already had enough of a break! You were napping all night!"

"Uhhh... I think that's called sleeping." Sans said.

"Whatever! Anyways, now you can't be lazy, because I've signed you up for Sentry duty!" Papyrus said.

"Sentry duty?"

"YES! That's what I just said! You will have to stay in security all day from now on!"

"Sounds great," Sans said with a yawn, "This chair is comfy and perfect for napping."

"NO!!! You're supposed to watch for impostors! Not nap all day!" Papyrus said.

Frisk grew bored and crawled through the vents to the next opening. She looked through the vents to see if it was safe to come out. There was a pink crewmate talking to a white one, surrounded by a jumble of wires. This place seemed like a good place for an easy kill. Frisk listened in.

"Blooky, darling! I know I said that we would form a band together, but well... This is my big break! You've got to understand!" The pink one said.

The white one, "Blooky" sighed and said nothing.

"You aren't mad, are you? You know that Dr. Alphys could always build you a body too! I'm sure if you just asked her she would-"

"-I'm not mad. And no I don't want a body..." Blooky said.

"Well, okay then. If you're sure about it." The pink one left the room.

Frisk realized that the vent had reached a dead end. "Blooky" seemed to be engrossed in their task, or whatever they were doing with the wires. Frisk hopped out of the vent and sneaked up behind the white crewmate. They pressed kill and stabbed them, but the knife went right through them and seemed to have no ill effects. Frisk then realized they were translucent. The white crewmate turned around and said, "Umm... You do know you can't kill ghosts, right? We're kinda incorporeal and all... sorry... I just made this more awkward... pretend you beat me..." Napstablook disappeared.

Frisk left the room which they realized was electrical, and went to storage. They sneaked into another room, despite the two crewmates inside, and hopped into the vent. One of the crew members turned around and asked if the other had heard that. Frisk had gone almost completely unnoticed. The pink one that was talking to "blooky" was now talking to the yellow crewmate. The yellow crewmate unrolled some sort of paper on the table. Actually, upon further inspection, the table was a map and had a card scanning system. This room must be admin, Frisk thought. The yellow one stuttered, "Umm s-so these are the plans I have for your new b-b-body so far. D-do you like them?"

"Oh my goodness! Alphys! It's brilliant! It's beautiful! Its... GOT SEXY LEGS!!!!!" the pink one exclaimed, ecstatic.

"I-i'm so glad you like it, Mettaton! I'll start on building it right away!" the yellow one, who must be "Dr. Alphys" said.

"Oh don't worry about it darling, take your time. But hurry up! I've got to look my best before my big show, you know?" Mettaton said, leaving admin.

Frisk vented to a hallway, made sure no one was coming, then walked to the nearest room. A crewmate with a black suit and a miniature crown was there. He looked into the vast expanse of space through the windows. Frisk jumped into the nearest vent before they were spotted. What Frisk could only assume was the King of Monsters turned around and headed toward the vent.

"Is someone there?" His deep voice echoed through the room.

Frisk's heart was beating faster than if they had ran a mile. They slunk back into the shadows of the vent. They couldn't help but feel that they were going to be caught, that their journey was already over. The King crept closer. Suddenly a lime green figure entered the room.

"Oh, Undyne. It's just you." The King said.

"King Asgore! I need your instructions! I think the imposters a human, but I asked if anyone saw one, and they all said no!" the lime crewmate said.

"Undyne, I think the human may have disguised themselves like us. They wouldn't let themselves be caught so easily." King Asgore said.

"Oh okay! So what you're saying is that the human killed someone and is now impersonating them!" Undyne concluded.

"No. Well, maybe. What you should do to catch this human, before they harm anyone else, is-"

"See who is pretending to impersonate one of us and KILL THEM!!!" Undyne interrupted, "Good plan Asgore!" She then left the room.

"Wait no! Undyne!" He signed and sat down at one of the chairs. Frisk concluded that this room must be navigation, another good place for an easy kill. Frisk left the vent and sneaked up behind the king. They wondered what kind of chaos would occur once the monsters found out their king was gone. They pulled out their knife, and an alarm went off. They ran like the wind and hid in the vent. King Asgore left navigation without even noticing that Frisk was there.

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