Final Words

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"Sans! Where is everyone!" Papyrus called after him.

Sans racked his brain for a lie, "Uhhhh... They went on vacation."

Papyrus looked befuddled, "An unannounced vacation that they all took at the same time to who knows where because we're all stuck in this spaceship and they don't respond to any of my letters or calls...?"

Sans realized that this lie was now obvious, "Uhhh... Yup!"

Papyrus pondered a moment, "Oh, ok then!" He replied.

The end

That's all she wrote. Literally! So tell me in the comments below if you liked it and what you liked about it (or if you didn't like it and what you didn't like about it).

One more thing, I have an idea for an Undertale AU. Undertale Academy! (yeah it's basically an undertale high school au and I know they already exist but I have full in depth story plans for it) So if you liked this story and you want me to write Undertale Academy then comment below. Ten or more comments and I will write Undertale Academy!

Love (but not level of violence LOVE),


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