Chapter Four

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May 5th
Year Five

Draco and Hermione had spent the year falling for each other in secrecy. Any chance they had, they were together.

In this moment, they were together staring at the stars. Dracos arm was holding Hermione closely and her hand rested on his chest. She had to blink herself awake before Draco lulled her to sleep.

"What are we going to do?" She asked referring to their summer apart. Draco sighed and looked down at her. She was worried for the both of them. She didn't want their relationship to end because of time apart.

"We can send letters...and I will try to visit." He said playing with her hair. She nodded and hugged his torso, creating butterfly's in his stomach. 

A moment of silence passed through them and Hermione played with his shirt.

"I'm scared for Harry." She whispered honestly. He sighed and rubbed her back, knowing how much Harry meant to her. He was the brother she never had.

"I know." He didn't know what else to say. What else could he say? It's not like he liked Harry or knew what he was going through. Hermione kissed Dracos cheek and sat up. He sat up with her and stared at her concerned face.

"It'll all be okay. I promise." He said and she nodded. He directed her chin towards him and she pulled him in close for a kiss. She wasn't sure how she was going to make it a whole three months without him.

They seperated when they heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Hermione kissed his cheek again "See you soon." She whispered and he nodded watching her go down the opposite stairwell.

"Ron she's either here or the library! Relax." Draco heard her two friends arguing up the stairwell and he prepared for them to see him.

"Well I haven't seen her all day—Malfoy." Ron said dissapointed. Draco raised his eyebrows and looked at the two of them.

"Can I help you?" He growled. Harry's eyes lowered in confusion. Ron looked around and then settled back to look at Draco, with anger in his eyes.

"We are looking for Hermione." Harry said and Draco sneered.

"You think i'd be around her?" He said almost laughing, but knowing none of his words rang true. He missed her every second she was away from him. It's like time stood still when she was gone.

"Don't talk about her like that!" Ron said walking towards him a bit. Draco shook his head and stood up to face him.

"Ron, enough. Let's go find her." Harry said pulling him away. Ron huffed and walked away from the slytherin to the library.

Draco was left with his thoughts of missing Hermione, and wishing they were together.

Hermione had been sitting in the library catching her breath. She sprinted here just in time for the boys to see her.

"Mione!" Ron yelled from the library entrance. She quickly turned her head and cringed at the shushed his yelling induced. She smiled at them.

"We couldn't find you." Harry said and she closed her book.

"Sorry I've just been reading." She said walking towards them. The three walked to the gryffindor common room. Hermiones thoughts roamed of Draco and she looked around to find him somewhere...everywhere she was. Whether it was the dining hall, to outside. Her eyes never stopped searching for him.


Hermione summer went by slow. She hadn't seen Ginny or Harry or Ron. Most importantly she hasn't seen Draco. She hasn't even recieved a letter. She wondered what he was up to.

Maybe he fell for someone else. She bit her lip at that thought. Had she not trusted him enough to stay faithful? He wanted her, and she knew that.

She turned over on her bed and continued to read her book, hoping to distract herself from her thoughts.

An owl tapped at her window and she sat up smiling. She rushed over and thanked the bird feeding him a biscuit. It was Dracos handwriting, she smiled from ear to ear and sat on her bed.

Hermione my love,

Don't think I've forgotten about you. I just haven't had a moment away from my parents to send you this. I'm at dragon alley at the moment, writing to you secretly. I hope you haven't forgotten about me. I'll see you soon.

Hermione re read the letter a few times. He hasn't forgotten about her! She wasn't sure why she ever doubted him. She held the letter to her chest and sighed.


Draco watched the owl fly away and hoped it made it to Hermiones in good time. He wasn't sure if she had gone off and fallen for some muggle.

"Son," He heard his fathers voice after feeling his hand on his shoulder. He was afraid, to say the least.

"Come, the time is now." He walked behind his father, knowing what he was about to endure. He expected Hermione to reject him afterwards..but knew he had no other choice.

"Have a seat, i'll make it quick." The person said on the other side of him. He seemed very sketchy and Draco was almost revolted by him.

He looked up at his father as the man gripped his arm tightly, pointing his wand at his arm.

"It won't hurt," His father said rolling his eyes as he sensed his sons fear. "Too bad." The man began to place his wand over Dracos skin and he grit his teeth. It felt like knives outlining his skin. His father placed a silencing charm on him and he screamed out.

The only thing that could possibly get him through this kind of pain was on his mind. Her kind eyes and her laugh played on repeat. He tried to not let his tears fall, but this was the most painful thing he's gone through.

Another five minutes went by and he was finally done. Hermione was slowly slipping his mind, as he tried to hold onto her. The pain overwhelmed his mind—but it was all over and he imagined Hermione holding him. Whispering how all of this was going to be okay.

And he held onto her for as long as he could.

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