Chapter Five

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Year 6
September 1st

Hermione scanned the great hall for the one person she's been wanting to see all summer. When her eyes met blue ones that were already on hers—she smiled. The both quickly looked away and continued on their normal routine.

But Hermione wanted to run to the astronomy tower quicker than you could say butterbeer. She would glance over at him from time to time as he would to her.

"It must be awful," Pansy said to Draco. He confided to her, Blaise and Theo about his relationship with Hermione.

"Having to love in secret. I would not be able to do it." She said continuing to eat. Blaise rolled his eyes and bumped elbows with Draco.

"Way to rub it in, Pans." He said and she shrugged sending Draco an apologetic look. He looked over to see her talking to her friends about who knows what. He knew she could feel his stare once she began to blush mid conversation.

"It's all worth it." He said as she looked over to him smirking. Pansy loved to see Draco so in love. He had never truly showed any emotion towards anything...until Hermione.

"I just hope she doesn't run off scared when.." He looked down to his arm. Pansy swallowed harshly and Blaise looked away.

"I'm sure she won't. Have more faith in her mate." Theo said and he nodded.


Hermione dashed up the astronomy tower stairs unable to wait any longer. She had been patient all summer, but it was growing thin.

She saw him waiting for her with his million dollar smirk. She squealed and jumped into his arms as he held her closely, breathing in her her familiar scent.

She brought him closer making sure he was real. She was afraid she imagined their love as she was isolated away from him.

When he put her down, she reached up and connected their lips. His eyes fluttered close at the butterfly's in his stomach she never failed to create.

"I missed you too Granger," He said brushing a stray curl from her face. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his torso knowing that this was all she needed.

"I need to show you something." The moment he's been dreading for so long has finally come. They sat on the tiny platform in the astronomy tower. She looked at him nervously, but noticed he looked even more nervous.

He revealed the terrible mark on his skin and watched her featured neutralize. He gulped and hoped she would stay with him. She must be so disappointed.

She held his arm and traced the black ink before slowly bringing him into a hug. She whispered how sorry she was as he held onto her. He knew she was his soulmate in that moment. She saw deeper than anyone had ever seen in him.

When she brought him out of the hug he noticed how sad her eyes were. He was just relieved that she didn't storm away like he expected.

She briefly met his lips with her own, but he pulled her closer deepening the kiss. She would never understand how truly grateful he was for her.

Pulling away she stroked his jawline with her finger leaning her forehead onto his.

"I will stand by you Draco...but not Voldemort." She whispered hoping her words were not too harsh. She could only imagine what he has been through the past few months.

"I would never ask you to do either...but I was asked to do a horrible would hate me for." He choked out, but Hermione engulfed him into a tight hold that comforted him like no other.

"I could never hate you...even if you were asked to do an unforgivable. I know," She placed her hand on his heart, "It isn't your doing." He nodded capturing her lips in another kiss. She stroked his cheek with her thumb.

"What have I done to deserve you?" He wondered aloud. She smiled a bit leaning into his chest, and stared at the stars.

"The same as me," She whispered intertwining their hands.



Hermione rushed to the hospital wing after dark. Tears blurred her vision and her footsteps quickened. She opened the door quietly and covered her mouth not allowing the sob come out when she saw his figure lying down in the bed.

She slowly walked over to him feeling terrible. Harry had done this? Why would he put his life in jeopardy like that?

She sat on the bed next to him and wiped her tears as they continuously fell. She could tell how much pain he was in.

"Granger," He whispered opening his eyes. She huffed and had to resist hugging him. She placed her hand on top of his.

"H-how are you feeling?" She asked examining his face too see if any pain was there.

"Better, now that you're here." She rolled her eyes and he brought her towards him.

"Aren't you in pain?" She asked. He shook his head.

"Between the healing potions and spells they used on me—plus you right next to me. I'm perfect." She laughed putting her head on his chest but continued to cry. She did not want this for him.

"Please promise me you won't leave me, Granger?" He whispered pulling the covers closer to them. She looked at him and nodded kissing his cheek.

"I promise." He sighed and pulled her closer feeling her breathing slow. She had no idea what he was being forced to do. Maybe then she would be free of the burden that Draco considered himself to be.


Hermione stared down at the dead man in front of her. Words could not even come out of her mouth. She looked around to see more people gather. How could Dumbledore be dead?

Whispers began that Draco caused this and she only began to cry harder. Because she did not want this ending for her headmaster. And because she knew Draco—if he did do it—did not want any part in it from the beginning.

She began to feel sick from the thought and felt Ron grab her to stabilize her. She cried into his shoulder, and gripped onto him for support.

This was the end, to so many beginnings.

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