Chapter Six

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Summer Prior to year seven:

Draco had explained to Hermione what happened a day after Dumbledores death. Like always she had been understanding and extremely forgiving.

He had sent her a letter to meet him in Diagon Alley at 10:00. She had only been one minute late. He was growing nervous though. Had he scared her away with all of his problems? He would run away if someone presented him with that many problems.

All his fears died when he saw her walking towards him, smiling. He walked towards her and hugged her close. She wrapped her arms around his neck wanting to feel close to him. She had been debating on if she should obliviate her parents all summer. It weighed a ton on her.

"I've missed you so much." He whispered. She nodded locking their lips passionately. Draco apparated then and Hermione gasped, landing on her butt in a grassy field.

"What the hell?" She questioned. He helped her up and turned her towards a big yellow house. She looked at it in awe, but was confused.

"Draco whose house is this?" She laughed and turned towards him raising her eyebrows. He turned her back around and wrapped his hands around her waist, as she leaned into him.

"Ours." He whispered. She smiled and looked up at him confused.

"Our house...but how?" She asked and he released her from his grip and put a hand on her cheek, smiling.

"Magic." She laughed and playfully hit his chest, then brought her lips to his own. He picked her up and spun her around after pulling away.

"I am not asking you to marry me," He said which brought confusion to her face. "Yet." She nervously laughed as he pulled a tiny velvet box from his pocket.

A hand went to her mouth as he opened the little box revealing a beautuful ring that must have cost tons of money.

"Draco," She whispered and he smiled.

"But stay by my side. I promise i will love you forever." He said and she nodded as he put the ring on her finger—which fit perfectly.

"I promise I'll stay by your side." She said hugging him tightly. He rubbed up and down her back soothingly knowing this was his forever. Wanting this to be his forever.

"Let me show you around our house." He said taking her hand. She admired the victorian style, as she had told him before she loved houses like that. There was a swing on the porch, painted white.

They walked inside and she was amazed. To her left a living room and a muggle TV. The couch was tan and the rug was grey.

To her right was a beautifully decorated dining room, with a long table with multiple chairs.

But the kitchen was magical. It was white with gold and black accents, a muggle stove and so much more. Draco led her up the stairs and she placed her free hand on the railing feeling it's smooth texture.

He showed her the master bedroom and she giggled at the slytherin colored bedsheets and pillows.

"There's more rooms." He said and she followed him to the empty rooms.

"Having guests are we?" She asked and he shook his head pulling her close.

"Only children." She laughed and blushed shyly.

"Draco, this is all so beautiful. Thank you." She whispered kissing his lips shortly. He smirked into the kiss pleased she was happy with his work. Of course his friends helped...Pansy mainly.

"How long can we stay?" She asked and he noticed her expression was nervous. He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Technically forever...but I can only stay a week." She nodded and continued to look around the house finding little things that she loved. She settled in there bed and smiled at her ring.

"What are to do for a whole week?" She asked, then blushed once noticing his mischievous smirk. He climbed onto the bed parting her legs with his own.

"Oh, I can think of a few things." He said capturing her lips swiftly.


"Are things getting bad?" Hermione whispered on Dracos last night. He brought her closer to him, noticing her little shiver from her lack of clothes.

"They are getting intense." He said and she nodded as her head laid on his chest. He played with the ends of her hair and traced her shoulders.

"Promise you'll stay safe." She whispered feeling herself tear up. He looked down to see her eyes watery. He kissed the top of her head and held her close.

"I promise, forever Granger." He whispered. She wrapped her arms around his torso and sniffled. She can't imagine life without him now. He's like a part of her, losing him would be like losing herself.

"Let's get a goodnight sleep, okay?" He whispered and she nodded, adjusting herself comfortably. He closed his eyes and slept through the night with Hermione close to him.

An alarm rang through their room in the morning. Hermione groaned and pulled his close to her.

"Please don't go." She whispered and he chuckled because she was half asleep. He pushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

"I have to...they are expecting me." She nodded and pulled him in for a long hug then kissed his cheek. He pecked her lips and her forehead once more.

"I love you Draco." She whispered as he pulled away.

"I love you too." He said smiling, then vanished. Hermione snuggled into the spot he had just been laying, feeling his warmth.

She had hoped nothing would ever change between them. She fell asleep knowing she would see Draco again, whether in her dreams or real life. He was always going to be there for her.

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