The Mad Ma 'dam is Mad.

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Ma'dam Bowman asked for Charlotte to go on more dates with Paul. But Ms. Hughes made sure Charlotte was always busy, or sick, or out of town. It was all very odd. Once while Charlotte was at the fair, she saw Paul with another girl. He didn't seem to take much notice of Charlotte, and she wondered who was more interested in her, Paul or the Mad Ma'dam.

Three weeks later, the Bowman's announced that they were changing the name of some of their grocery stores, from "Bowman's" to "Charlotte's"

It turns out some of Harriet Bowmen's obsession might have been caused by a series of embolisms...

Charlie was sitting out back, behind a tree in one of his boy suits, with his hair tied back, when Georgia found him.

"Harriet Bowman, just died."

Charlie really wanted to say something nice, instead he blurted out, "Oh thank God... wait you're not kidding?"

"You're going to hell for that." Georgia joked, though fazed by the remark.

"I just thought you were trying to cheer me up... "

"No, she's dead. Ms. Hughes has been looking for you, you know. Something about Charlotte and the Bowmans"

"What, do I need to dress up and throw apples at her funeral?"

"Geez, Don't hold back, tell me what you really think," said Georgia, shaking her head.

"Sorry, I just feel so trapped. It's too bad she's dead, I'm sure she was a nice lady, and she meant well. Ms. Hughes told me she used to be a lot of fun, up until a few years ago. It sounds like she had a stroke or something."

"You should be nicer to people. My Grandma had Alzheimer's. Before we put her in a home, we'd go over to visit her. The last time, she forgot who we were halfway through, and called the cops on us. They got my dad in handcuffs before we could explain."

"I hope that never happens to me... I never want to be a crazy old... man... or lady."

"Still thinking about going back to being a stinky boy are we?" Georgia rolled her eyes.

"I mean... Charlotte can't stay forever."

"Yeah well, do whatever you want. Anyway, Ms. Hughes really does want to see you. Guess what?"


"The crazy old witch who made your life hell, and who you thanked god when she died, left Charlotte something in her will."

* * *

"Hello, Mom. It isn't too late for me to call is it?" Charles asked.

"It's one thirty in the morning here, but I'm up working. What is it Charles? Is it something important?"

"I think so."

"Well what is it then? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I guess. It's just that this might be really hard to say. Something strange... something unusual happened."

"Unusual good? Unusual bad?" His mom asked.

"Well both, I guess. It's really hard to say, because I think you either might be really mad, or really happy about it, or both."

"Did you get married? You're only fifteen."

"No, it's nothing like that..."

"Your Dad didn't come by did he?"

"No," said Charlie.

"Well look, I don't want to play guessing games all night... I don't mean to put you on the spot Charles, but you called me."

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