First win

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   The male stopped abruptly, "do either of you have a task?„ John questioned.

   Claire and Adrion nodded.

   "How about this, I take Adrion to do his task and John takes Claire. That way we can be sure of who the imposters are and get tasks done more effectively!„ Sera suggested, grabbing Adrion's arm to show who she claimed.

   Hesitantly, Claire and Adrion nodded before leading their buddy over to their next task.

   Sera pulled out the same knife she used to kill Remi. Adrion, who was working on the task, turned around.

He froze as his eyes widen, "Woah calm down Jamal, no need to pull out the nine(9)„

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand he's dead.

Blyke walked into the room, Elaine still close behind him.

"I heard a m- mother trucker dude-„

Blyke grabbed Elaine and started running towards the cafeteria.

As soon as they reached the room a red button with the words "emergency meeting" by it appeared at the middle table.

The redhead slapped his hand down on the button, everyone still alive being teleported to the room.

"It's Sera!„ Blyke immediately informed them, Elaine nodding.

"YES BRO, GET HER OUTTA HERE!„ Isen yelled excitedly.

"I wonder what happens when the round is over.„ Remi mumbled, floating around the room.

"Same„ Adrion was holding onto John's shoulders, watching Blyke and Elaine tell them what happened.

"On another note, why the hell did we split up if we knew John was the imposter.„ Claire played with Remi's hair while Arlo had taken a seat beside his killer.

"Wait if we were together and both Claire and Adrion are dead....„ Elaine looked at John who grinned evilly.

"You're outmatched, one more kill, and we win.... and you can only vote one of us.„ John laughed as both imposters voted on the tablets in front of them.

Blyke talked with Elaine before they pressed a button on their tablets.



Seraphina: ||||

   Sera smirked as she was ejected into space and the meeting ended.

   John began following the two remaining crewmates, prepared to kill one of them as soon as he was allowed to.

   He watched Blyke do a task before grabbing Blyke's shoulder, putting his other hand on his back, and shooting a laser through the red head's heart.

   The ghosts winced at the gory image while John simply laughed.

"Imposters, Seraphina and John, have won. Moving on to the next round„

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