Round 2

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imma just start putting every round in one chapter-

   The round had ended, the win going to the imposters and the group had been allowed a short break.

   Elaine sat close to Arlo who was glaring at John, the two occasionally throwing an insult or two at each other.

   John was sitting on the floor, his back against the wall, Claire and Adrion sitting diagonally across from him.

   Sera was talking with Remi, Blyke, and Isen.

   "We should stick together, even if we are the imposters!" Adrion suggested, Claire, nodding in agreement and then looking at John who shrugged and agreed as well.

   "I'm sorry I killed you Rems" Sera frowned, hugging her friend who laughed and hugged her back.

   "It's okay Sera!"

   "h-hey A-"

"Round starting in 3...."

everyone jumped to their feet.


three groups forming by the doors.


At that moment that voice spoke again.

"You're the imposter, the other imposter is Blyke"

"You're a crewmate there are two imposters among us"

"You're the imposter, the other imposter is Isen"

"You're a crewmate there are two imposters among us"

"You're a crewmate there are two imposters among us"

"You're a crewmate there are two imposters among us"

"You're a crewmate there are two imposters among us"

"You're a crewmate there are two imposters among us"

"You're a crewmate there are two imposters among us"

"You're a crewmate there are two imposters among us"

Groups looked at their tasks and immediately started running off, similar to the previous round.

~with John, Claire, and Adrion~

"what tasks do you have, Claire," John questioned, peaking over her shoulder.

"uhm.... card swipe is my closet one," she muttered looking at the hologram.

"I have a card swipe too" Adrion chimed in.

thus the three started doing their tasks, whoever wasn't doing a task at the time standing guard.

~with Isen and Blyke~

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