Round 4

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i dont even feel like writing rn but i know i wont do it later and i want to even it back out so here we are. that being said this is extremely lazy lol


They followed the routine of break, roles, start. This time Sera and Elaine were chosen for the role of imposter.

Sera noticed John separating from his normal group - Adrion and Claire - to follow Arlo, she made a mental note of this and followed after his old group-mates.

Elaine saw Sera pass by and immediately joined her. Not knowing what to do exactly, being with Sera, who had already been the imposter once before, was going to help her allot.

The two girls followed Claire and Adrion to reactor.

"oh, hey..... Seraphina and Elaine? right?" Claire greeted them, the two nodded to show she had gotten the names right.

"Hey, uh, blondie, can I talk to you in private." Sera turned to the male, awaiting his response.

"you remind me of John..." he mumbled before looking to Claire for answers. she nodded, Adrion turned back and followed the magenta haired girl across the hall to security.

Claire turned and did her task while Elaine took the opportunity to close the door to security in hopes of helping Sera the tiniest bit.

Adrion's eyes flicked to the door, "aw shit...." he groaned aa Sera activated her ability and killed him, the cooldown ending right as the doors opened. She walked back to reactor where Elaine and Claire were waiting. And just like that, Claire and Adrion were both dead, at Sera's hand at that.


"........this is so cute, we're dead together." Clair sighed and went back to her tasks, ignoring her blond friend.

Elaine decide to split away from Sera and try to work up the nerve to kill someone. Meanwhile, Sera kills Isen in 02 and Remi in cafeteria leaving Blyke, John, and Arlo alive.

The shy girl inhaled and killed Blyke, her heart rate spiking as she was teleported to the cafeteria.

" was Sera." John informed despite knowing everyone at the table already knew, without anymore conversation the votes were in... everyone voted for Seraphina.

Sera huffed as the voice announced the results and the girl was ejected.

Elaine silently decided that she could never bring herself to killing Arlo even if it wasn't real so she did what any logical human being would do and killed John claiming the win for the imposter team.

I can now experience the sweet embrace of sleep that i so desperately crave right now.

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