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Dianir's POV

I'm part of a rich cult of devil worshippers in America. All of us are quirkless so we get by using blades and sacrificing the innocent. I have broken every sin in the book, I shall NEVER go home. I will oneday ask my fellow cultists to sacrifice me, so then I can come back and bring power, more power over these pathetic 'quirks'. They call me Dianir, or The Dawning!

The cult leader decides to finally sacrifice me, most people would be scared. But I was excited! When he carved into me, I never felt so alive!

I let out my last breath with a smile. I get to the light I at the end of the tunnel. I was expecting God to be a man in a white robe... but no. He was a Dragon! As expected. He sent me to hell.

I walk through all nine circles Learning spells from the most sinful of each circle. I began to get more and more arrogant. I will fight the devil himself, then I'll TRULY bring more power to earth than those quirks!

The devil excepts my challenge, I take the demon scythe I got from killing... well a demon, and slice him in the gut. I quickly realized the REAL fight has now begone because now I released him from his prison.

My scythe disintegrates in his hand. "Come on boy! Did you really think you can kill me with my own weapon?" Devil said. I quickly use my Limbo spell to create not a blast, But a weapon! The devil looks at me in shock. I then take out a crystal skull and show him all the souls I have. I feel a power rushing through my veins and say "Now, YOUR soul, is MINE!" The devil looks at me afraid, and nows my chance. I slice him open and take his soul and put it in a crystal shard of which I then eat.

I have all the power in the world, I now come back to my mangled up body of that has been decomposing for a while which matters not. Because now i'm back in my former glory and then some!

I can now here all the sins around me. I cannot contain myself. Though I spare my fellow cultists, everyone else is as good as dead! Heroes, Villains, even the so called innocent! They will all pay for their sins!

What better place to start then the UA Highschool, where anyone with a QUIRK can enter!

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