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  -Deku's Pov-

As I float to the next circle, I see a swamp. It looks like any murky looking swamp. It was even quiet besides the croaking.
I look around and when I look at the swamp water I see a and, then two, then hundreds, then thousands.
"What the hell!" I shout.
"Izuku. This is the circle of Wrath, where the one's that refuse to love and only be consumed in their hate and anger." Atonus said.
"Sounds like Kacchan would rule this circle then!" I say in a panic looking at all the hands reaching from the out of the swamp.
"A hero! How delicious! Heroes are always the most wrathful!" A voice said as I see the angriest demon besides Kacchan running towards me with his axe.
I quickly got up and take a loose boulder boulder with my unborn quirk and throw it at the demon charging after me.
"That's it!?" I shouted.
"Izuku! Calm down!" Atonus said.
"I... I don't know what came over me!... it's like... I wasn't myself!"
"That's just this circle being mixed with your parental instincts. This place has been known to give the calmest of people anger issues."

  As we walk through the swamp, I glance at the dead trees in the swamp. They had PEOPLE in them. It was like one of those scary cartoons with haunted forests but... it looked so real!
"Atonus... what are these trees made of?" I ask.
"The souls of the most wrathful and unloved, not just by people around, but to themselves too." Atonus said.
"Y-you mean... suicide?" I ask shaking like a leaf.
"No... but with their wrath, they not only hurt those mentally around them, but hurt themselves mentally as well." Atonus said.
"If this is what happens to the people that hurt themselves and others mentally, I'd hate to see what happens to the ones that hurt physically!" I thought to myself.
As we get to the end of the dead forest we get stopped by a dead end. The swamp lake seemed endless from here.
"I guess we'll have to swim for it..." I said trembling.
"Are you trying to get killed? If you jump in the souls will drag you down! Then you won't be able to keep your promise to that balloon face girl!" Atonus said.
"You mean Uraraka-san?" I asked.
"No, I mean kirby, YES I MEANT URARAKA YOU DUMBASS!!!" Atonus yelled in sarcasm and rage.
"I... i'm sorry I shouldn't of yelled... this circle really gets to you, and being a dragon... well... it's not easy." Atonus said sincere.
"No, no, I understand. Now how about we make a boat?" I said.
"Sure! Just don't use these trees! A boat made out of this wood would sink immediately as soon as it hit the water." Atonus said.
I start to think what I could use for a boat. I see a large boulder and think of turning that into a boat.
"I could turn that into a boat!" I said pointing at the boulder.
"Hmmm... that could actually work!" Atonus said.

"But how are you gonna turn it into a boat?"

"I'll chisel it with my quirk."

"That's... not a bad idea! Just don't over use it and shatter the boulder."

As I chisel the boulder with 1 percent of my quirk into a boat shape I then hallow it out so I can get in it.
I then look at it and may have put a little too much texture on it. Not to toot my own horn but it was a nice looking boat!
"That's a nice looking boat you got there Izuku! Now let's see if it floats!" Atonus said.
I slowly push the boat into the swamp lake and hope it floats. Thankfully it did! The souls of the dammed seem to only get pushed back into the lake with the stone boat.
"Alright Izuku, jump in! We don't want it to float away now do we?" Atonus said as I jump in.
As I use my psychic quirk from my Mom, Atonus guides me to the right path as he flys in front of me as I follow.
"IZUKU! LOOK OUT!" Atonus yelled.
I suddenly start getting attacked by demons that are flying around me like vultures.
Me being in no mood to stop as it took me awhile to build this damn thing, I then use my fire breath quirk to fight off the demons. To my surprise, it worked out well!
"Izuku! Get ready to wall jump!" Atonus says as I see a GIANT demon infront of us as well as a water fall.
When we got to the waterfall, I jump out as quickly as I can, then jump up to a hanging wall running on it with full cowling. I then get greeted by the demons hand. I dodge it but start falling. I see a boulder that I quickly grab with my psychic quirk and start flying towards the demon.
"This doesn't seem much different from that zero point robot. But this time! I'll win unharmed!" I yell as I jump up towards it's face.
He looks at me smiling at first until his face met my fist.
His face completely caved in just like what happened with that zero point robot.
As he fell back presumably dead I start to look down and don't even see a bottom. I felt like this was truly gonna be the end.
"Eri... Uraraka... i'm sorry." I say as I fall to the bottomless pit.
"IZUKU! UP THERE!" Atonus said pointing at the cave.
I watch it go by in slow motion as i'm trying to look around.
I then thought to myself.
"Can I attract myself to walls as well?"
I tried out my theory of my newborn quirk. And surely, I stuck to the wall and quit falling.
I then run up the wall and into the cave.
"That cave will be your ticket to the next circle. If you kept falling you would have surely died!" Atonus said.
"What's the next circle Atonus?" I ask.
"You'll see my friend. You'll see."

-Katsuki's pov-

   Shitty hair and Dunce face both wanted to see Deku. They pestered me till I broke and said fuck it.
"Hey Bakubro! Where do you think Midobro is right now?" Shitty hair asked.
"Honestly, i'm surprised he even DID this shitty hair! He's been to hell and back and back again... and I know." I said scoffing.
"I gotta say! This is the manliest thing i've ever seen ANYONE do! He's going through hell to save his daughter! So manly! *hic*" Shitty hair said trying to hold back his tears.
"Hey Dunce face! You gonna say anything?" I say as he's on the floor.
"Aaaaannndddd he's stupid." I say looking at him with anger.
I look back at Deku as he's holding on to Eri.
"You better make it back Deku! I still need to prove i'm better than you!" I say silently as Shitty hair is trying to hold back his tears.
I smirk and reassure myself.
"He'll be back. And when he does, we're sparring!"

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