Cockroach Terminatior

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"Let's go, Leo! I'm starving!" Mikey whined.

One wouldn't think that Leo could cook, but... he could. If making instant noodles counted as cooking.

Leo scooped some noodles into three bowls, and walked over to the table, where Mikey was waiting excitedly

He hands the bowls to Mikey,Raph,and Emma

"Yeah, boy!" Mikey celebrated. "Ramen!"

Emma looks at the strange looking noddles , she's never seen food like this. The only food that she seems to like is pizza , which she absolutely devoured when she first tried it.

She takes a handful of noddles and puts them in her hand but quickly drops them from it being so hot!

"Ow Ow Ow Ow !" , she waves her hand in pain

Leo couldn't help but laugh at how curious she was on trying new things .

"That's not how you eat noddles kiddo , here I'll teach you".

He picks her up from the stool and puts her in his lap , he puts the chopstick in her hand

"You gotta hold it like this" Leo shows he how to hold the two sticks between her fingers.

"Then you pick it up" she copied him pick up her noddles .

"And you blow", he said blowing his noodles , she proceeded to blow hers.

She takes a slow bite and starts to eat her noddles the new way she was taught.

After a minute or so, something small and brown caught her eye.

The cockroach, which had some kind of gadget attached to its body, Emma looks at giggling at how tiny it is, simply moved along to Raph. Raph was about to put the chopsticks in his mouth, then stopped dead, staring at the cockroach casually sitting on his chopsticks.

Raph leapt back, letting out a very girly scream.

"Roach!" Raph shouted. "Roach!"

Raph stared at the roach with wide eyes, slowly reaching behind his shell for his sai.

With a yell that was way too high to sound threatening, Raph leapt forward, onto the table, trying to stab the roach which just managed to scurry out of the way.

Mikey had pulled his ramen off the table, and he, Leo and Emma just stared at Raph as he tried to stab a two inch long insect with his weapon.

The cockroach scurried off the table, and Raph lunged at it, throwing his sai, which just missed squashing the terrified insect. Quickly getting to his feet, Raph drew his other sai, and chased after the roach, yelling all the way.

Emma and Mikey just managed to duck to avoid a flying bowl, when Donnie ran in, holding his laptop computer, looking frantic.

"Stop! Stop, you'll smash him!"

"Well, that's the idea!" Raph snapped, on the floor, still lunging for the roach.

Donnie bent down, holding out his hand, and the cockroach quickly scurried into it. Donnie quickly stood straight, his other hand cupped protectively over the cockroach, just when Raph ran up to him threateningly.

"You can't smash this roach, ok?" Donnie said indignantly.

He peeked into his cupped hands, and smiled, uncovering the roach.

"He's... special." He pet the roach, and allowed it to touch his face.

Donnie held out the roach, smiling. "Really special..."

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