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// to clear up any confusion : //
// the hanahaki disease is a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one - sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs , which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated . the victim will die unless the feelings are returned or if the plants are surgically removed , but this will remove the victim's feelings of romantic love . //

feelings really do suck ass , don't they ?

you had developed a crush on one of your closest friends — bloodrayne . you kept it hidden and your friendship remained normal .

that is , until you woke up in the middle of the night to the awful feeling that you were about to throw up .

holding it back as best as you could , you hurried to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet . you assumed you had gotten sick from something you ate or something like that , but when you glanced into the toilet , you were shocked to see flower petals and blood .

understandably confused and scared , you shakily looked up what this could mean . the only result you found was that you had the hanahaki disease .

it scared you , knowing that you could possibly died if it wasn't treated . but , despite this fear , you decided to hold back on getting treatment , mostly because you didn't want these feelings to be thrown away .

that was about two weeks ago , and since then , it has slowly gotten worse and worse . you found yourself coughing more often and throwing up more petals . you even started to throw up full flowers .

currently , you were walking home with bloodrayne , like you always did . everything was normal , until you started to go into a coughing fit .

bloodrayne stopped in her tracks and watched you with concern . " ( y / n ) ? are you — " her eyes widened as she watched you throw up a flower , stained with your blood .

your eyes widened as well . shit , shit , shit . you didn't want her to see . you didn't want her to find out —

" ( y / n ) . . . ? you . . . you have it . . . ? "

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