Chapter 1: What Happened?

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Day 1

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Day 1

I woke up in a very peaceful morning. Weird, there weren't any sounds of cars outside. Usually every morning there would be cars honking and the sound of motorcycles powering on, but there isn't any of that today.

"Y/n!" I hear my mother call for me, "it's breakfast time!" She says. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen after washing up.

"Darling, you're here!" My mother exclaims, "you should hurry, Chan is going to be here soon."

"Chan? You mean like my friend?" I ask her, not knowing why she was so giddy today.

"Yes!" She replies happily. I eyed her weirdly and thought she was kidding. I look at the platter of pancakes she placed in front of me, the maple syrup placed on top in the shape of a smiley face.

I cut a part of my pancake and shove into my mouth to be greeted by a sweet taste that I've never tasted before. "This is pretty good," I compliment my mother's cooking, mouth full with pancakes.

Soon I finish the pancakes and the doorbell suddenly rings. My mother skips to the door and opens it. "Channie! It's been such a long time!" Mom says and gives him a hug.

"It's nice to see you too, Mrs. Kim." He greets her shyly.

"No need to be shy, Channie boy. She's ready to go with you, so I won't disturb you anymore." Mother says and pushes me out the door.

"Mom! Wait- how do you even know him?" I ask her because I've never introduced Chan to her and never even talked about him. From what I know, she doesn't like the idea of me hanging out with boys.

"You talk about him all the time, dear." She says and I look at her confused.

"I do?!" I ask her, very confused.

"Yes. Now run along, you're making him uncomfortable." She says and pushes me out the front door. "Have fun!"

She slams the door and I look at Chan, "what just happened?"

He looks at me with a smile, "let's go."

"What?" I ask genuinely confused, "where are we going?"

"To the amusement park," he tells me.

"Amusement park?" I asked him, I never knew he liked those parks.

"Yep," he answers and he takes my hand, dragging me along with him. We took a bus to our destination and got off around fifteen minutes later when we arrived.

"Where are the others?" I ask, usually they are together when going to the amusement park. The others would never miss out the fun of the park, they would even beg on their knees to make the host bring them along.

"What others?" He asks me, looking at me weirdly.

My jaw drops, so far down that I think he can see my tonsils. "What do you mean 'what others'?"

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