The lost gaurdian

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At camp

At the campfire one of the campers asked Chiron why the moon was flashing colors."Artemis is honoring a friend. You do know about Percy Jackson right? Well he was the guardian of the hunt." was his reply. All of the campers were asking him to tell them his quests and deeds.

"fine I will tell you. He is the only son of rhea and hades. There for he was born a god. His name is percy. He is the god of Assaians and guardians. He is also the guardian of the hunt. He was killed by his step-father Kronos." at that name the campfire became a dark black."Kronos was trying to make rhea and Artemis fade, but at the last second he took the curse on himself. He also threw his dual swords into Kronos's stomach ,making Kronos go back to (I can't spell it.). That is just his death point." Chiron told everyone. He went on and on about Percy. How him and Artemis met. The only thing Chiron didn't tell them was percy's powers. One of them where power over time. Another was summoning the dead. He could also control the dead. Also he could be as stealthy as a mouse is he needed to.

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