1 ~Lilly~

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"Lilly! Get up or you're going to be late to the college!" I began groaning, rolling out of bed and onto the floor with one quick flop. "I'm up!"

Slowly pulling myself up, I ran a hand across the hangers in my closet, which was full of band tees and funny computer sweatshirts. My eyes landed on a black t shirt with white text that read:


I like this


a large Facebook like symbol in the middle. I pulled out a pair of grey leggings, grumbling as I got dressed.

It was almost 4:00 in the morning. Between insomnia and stress, I barely slept anyway, so it would be nice to have something to do.

Ever since eighth grade when my class visited Monroe Community College, I had been obsessed with computers. Now, I had just finished up my junior year of high school last week. Me being me, I begged my mom to let me take the computer programming and game dev courses this summer. In just twenty minutes or so, I would once again be stepping foot on the Monroe Community College Campus.

I shoved my laptop into my backpack, wincing as I saw that my Hamilton decal was peeling. Oh yeah, I'm also obsessed with musicals. Did I mention that?

I gave my mom a peck on the cheek, and I was leaning down to pet my cat, Sokka (I may or may not be obsessed with Avatar: The Last Airbender too) when I heard her voice rise. She was on the phone.

"Gabriel! You told me you would pick her up! You promised!" Of course. My dad, Gabriel. My parents were divorced. It had happened shortly after my ninth birthday. I was still on good terms with my dad, my mom however, was not. I never understood why. My dad was funny and kind and you could always count on him to come through.

Sighing, I turned towards the door, waving behind me.


And there we go! I know it's short, but tbh I prefer shorter, more frequent chapters to longer less frequent. Plus, I just really had to get the ball rolling. I hope you enjoy it!

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