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I was still in bed when I heard the doorbell ring. Rolling onto my side, I checked the time. 6:38. I groaned, making my way downstairs and to the front door. I nervously checked the peephole.

It was just Jared. Jared's here. Shit. Grabbing a comb from the entry way table I brushed my hair so it looked presentable.

Jared banged (me) on the door. "Let me in loser!"

Rolling my eyes and smoothing out my green STOP DEFORESTATION tshirt, I opened the door. "H-hey Jared!" I moved my hand up to wave, but decided against it, cradling my cast.

Jared pushed past me and hopped on the couch, grabbing the remote. Awkwardly, I shut the door and sat down next to him. "I uh don't mean to be rude but wh-what are you doing h-here?" I hate my stutter.

"Just finished up class and I'm bored." He clicked a few buttons on the remote, opening Disney+ (I have a headcannon that Heidi feels bad leaving Evan alone so much so she bought Disney+ to make it up to him because he loves Disney).

"Okay, but wh-why are you  h-heere?" I watched as he opened his account, he had his own here, and clicked on The Simpsons. Of course.

"Because I wanted to be." I noticed a small pink tint on his cheeks. "I uh don't have Disney+ at home, duh."

Duh. We sat in silence as Mr. Burns got into his robot suit to go talk to Homer. After about fifteen minutes I grabbed my phone, and opened Instagram, pulling up Zoe Murphy's profile. Zoe was beautiful. Like if Aphrodite had a kid with Zac Efron, Zoe would be their love child (ik that was a trash analogy I'm sorry). I scrolled through her posts like I did everyday, carefully making sure I wasn't liking her Halloween costume from 2017 or her Thanksgiving dinner from 2015. I had seen all these pictures before.

"Yo Hansen, getting off to Zoe are we?" Jared grinned.

I turned beet red. "Wh-what?! N-n-no! Wh-why would you s-say that?!"

He laughed. "Chill Hansen, it's just a joke."

Hearing the door click, Jared and I turned. My mom walked in, looking exhausted. "Hi sweetheart! Jared!" She came and kissed my head, giving Jared a pat on the shoulder. "I'm so sorry hon. I am so tired. Can y'all fix up breakfast? I think I'm gonna head to bed." I nodded. "Thank you sweetie! Wake me up if you need me!"

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