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It was 7:38 PM and I was on the couch watching the live action Beauty and the Beast, though I couldn't even pay attention to Emma with my dad's snores. I was about to fall asleep myself when my phone went off.

Incoming FaceTime from The Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman

Shit. Shit shit shit. I look like crap right now. I scrambled to my room, swiping on some lipgloss and combing my hair with my fingers before clicking accept.

"Hey!" I waved like a dork.

"Hey Lilly, so I had a idea for our game."

"Oh cool, what is it?"

"You probably won't like it." He blushed. He blushed?!

"Uh o-of course I'll like it!"

"Trees." I must have looked confused, because he opened his mouth to elaborate after a few seconds of silence. "We could start off with a more common tree as level one. You and your friend climb the tree by collecting rope and trampolines and grappling hooks along the way. The goal is to get to the top to give the Sun her shine."

"That's fucking brilliant Kleinman." He beamed. "How did you come up with that?"

"Oh this kid Evan who I see sometimes. He's like a tree dork or whatever."

"Okay well I love that idea. Wanna come over to my dad's place tomorrow?"

"Sure. Just text me the address."

I smiled and hung up, before falling back onto my bed. Fuck. He's adorable.

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