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When I finally checked the clock, I cringed. The computer programming class started at 4:30. It was 4:15 and it took at least fifteen minutes to get there.

Cursing to myself, I grabbed a red and blue button up from my closet, pulling it over the grey Johnny Pop's tshirt I had worn to bed. Quickly switching boxers I pulled on some jeans and checked the time. 4:20. Nice. I thought to myself.

I sprinted from the loft where my bed was, tripping over my dog, Nero's tail and tumbling down the last four steps. "Damn it!" I looked down at my elbow. I was just a little scraped. I grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and a packet of pop tarts before dashing out to my car.

By the time I arrived at the college, It seemed that everyone was already inside. It was 4:37, of course they were. But wait, no they were not, well sort of.

A short and tan girl with light brown hair was about five feet away from the door. I sprinted to catch up with her, shouting as I did. "Hey!" I waved frantically.

The girl giggled. "Hurry up then!" Her voice was soft, and quite calming. Smiling, I made it to the door. "Thank you!" I managed to say between breaths. "The name's Jared."

"Lilly." She walked in after me and flushed.

Speaking to the woman at the front desk, I asked, "Do you know where room..." I looked down at my phone. "216 is?"

She smiled and told me, "Yes young man. Take the elevator up to the second floor, and walk straight until you see a water fountain, then take a left and the classroom should be on your right!"

I thanked her and made my way to the elevator. The doors were about to close when I noticed the girl, Lilly practically flying towards them. I quickly pressed the button to let the doors stay open longer.

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