Finally out of there

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Todoroki and Deku became villains for not so different reasons. Deku became one because he was sick of Kanchan's bullying. Deku's quirk is called shadow. He can manipulate the shadows to hide in as well as use as a weapon. He can send dark thoughts into any one's brain and drive them insane quickly. His only weakness is light the more light there is the harder it is to use his quirk. Todoroki became a villain out of spite for his father and he enjoys killing, thinks of it as a game. They are now the leaders of the LOV. They have a daughter, her name is Meichi. She is a villain only because of her parents. Her quirk is called flame silk. She can produce and almost unbreakable silk from her wrists. The silk is a silvery-white. She can change the temperature, though the hotter is this the weaker it becomes, she can also change the type of silk she produces. The second type doesn't light anything on fire but is fairly sticky. She goes to U.A. so she can one, be a spy, but she is actually planning on using her training to become a hero so she can turn her parents and the LOV in. she won't turn in Dabi and Shigaraki, since they were the only one who were nice to her and basically raised her. Todoroki and Deku treat her terrible abusing her and working her to the bone on a regular basis. That were this start's, the after math of one of the beatings she got from Deku and Todoroki.

Meichi: *limps into her room* falls as soon as she closes her door* oowww. I am just going to stay here.

Shigaraki: *heard the small thud and goes up to her room* knocks on her door* Meichi...? I am coming in okay. *opens the door and sees her on the floor sleeping* sighs*picks her up and puts her on her bed* Meichi, I need you to wake up. *shakes her gently*

Meichi: *wakes up* I'm sorry dad ... please.... do not hurt me more. *falls back asleep*

Shigaraki: Meichi, Meichi-chan, wake up, Deku is coming to check on you, you need to be awake. *shakes her a little harder* Meichi-

Dabi: I know she needs to be awake but if he sees you in here trying to help, he'll hurt you too. Come on, just lay her down and we need to get to our room.

Shigaraki: But-

Dabi: Babe, come on.

Shigaraki: Fine. *lays her on her bed and leaves*

Deku: *walks in a few minutes later* Get up you little shit. *kicks her*

Meichi: *wakes up* OW! Dad I'm sorry! I just-

Deku: no excuses, get up and go downstairs, your dinner is done.

Meichi"s mind: right "dinner" what poison is it this time, I wonder.

Deku: Shigaraki! Get in here!

Shigaraki: Yes, Deku sir?

Deku: bandage her up and bring her down for dinner

Shigaraki: Yes sir.

Deku: *rolls his eyes and leaves*

Shigaraki: I'm sorry I can't help you much, but I have this. *hold out a cup of wine* it's very strong, so hopefully it will help numb you.

Meichi: *takes the cup* thanks Shigaraki . *drinks it* I don't want to go down there.

Shigaraki: I know, but you must, unless you want another beating.

Meichi: I know. What is he trying to feed me this time?

Shigaraki: I'm not sure, I think it's supposed to be oatmeal, but, ummm...

Meichi: I'm not even hungry, but whatever I'll just have Kurogiri get rid of it for me. *gets up and leave the room*

Shigaraki: *follows her* Meichi you need to eat eventually. * puts a hand on her shoulder*

Meichi: * flinches and brushes his hand off* Make me. *keeps walking*

Shigaraki's mind: this poor kid. I wish I could get her out of here but, I can't. She needs to eat.

Deku: there you are, here's dinner. *put a bowl of moldy oatmeal in front of Meichi * eat then go back to your room.

Meichi: Yes sir. *looks at Kurogiri* whispers* please?

Kurogiri: *sighs and nods* whispers while opening a warp gate* yes little miss.

Meichi: thanks. Good night dad. *stars walking up the stairs*

Deku: Wait, little brat. Come here.

Meichi: *walks over to him pulling up her sleeves* Yes, Sir?

Deku: Oh, there'll be no need for that. *smacks her* I was just wondering what this news about dorms opening was all about.

Meichi: The school, built dorms for the kids, so we can be protected from any more villain attacks. I was wondering if it was okay if I could use the dorms. But-

Deku: Are you sure? You'll miss all the fun we have here.

Meichi's mind: right fun. God please let him allow me to go to the dorms.

Todoroki: Let her go. We'll have an easier time getting into U.A, and it'll keep her out of our hair.

Deku: Well you aren't wrong. You can go, brat. Pack, then get out.

Meichi: Dad I'll need to wait until tomorrow I-

Deku: you go now or not at all.

Meichi: *looks down* Yes, sir. *goes to her room*

Shigaraki: I'm going to go help her pack.

Deku: Whatever. Anything not packed in ten minutes will be burned.

Shigaraki: Yes sir. *goes into Meichi's room*

Dabi: *follows*

*in Meichi's room, everything is packed*

Meichi: I'm going to miss you two, but I can't take it here anymore. Please write to me.

Shigaraki+Dabi: we'll miss you too. *hugs her*

Dabi: I wouldn't go down there, unless you want a good by beating.

Meichi: Yeah, your right, but how do I get out of here.

Dabi: I can burn a hole in the wall.

Meichi: oh yeah that makes sense, but don't you think that my dad's will get mad?

Dabi: Yeah, but they wouldn't dare try to hurt either of us, since we're so important. And, they know we can kick their asses if we want to.

Meichi: *giggles* your right. Well I better get going.

Shigaraki: where are you going?

Meichi: Oh.... I was just going to go to the park, I guess. There are a few nice spots that would be okay for sleep, and it's not too far from school.

Shigaraki: oh, well, I guess you should go then. When will you be coming back?

Meichi: I'll be back for the winter and spring breaks, and of course summer.

Dabi: Good. Well, I guess we'll see you then. *hugs her again*

Shigaraki: And if we do another attack. *hugs her too*

Meichi: Right *hugs them back* see you then.

Dabi: *burns hole in the wall*

Shigaraki + Dabi: Goodbye, Meichi.

Meichi: *smiles* Bye. *steps out of the hole and uses her silk jump from building to building*

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