Catching up

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Kirajuno: *walks in a minute later * I've missed you a ton! *Hugs her when she stood up* how do your wings feel?

Meichi: surprisingly light considering that there bigger than Keigo's *fake smiles at him*

Kirajuno: *doesn't notice its fake* why do you call him by his real name?

Meichi: he helped raise me, it would be like you calling your dads by their pro- hero names

Hawks: What?! No, mine are not smaller!

Meichi: let's compare. *stands up and spreads her wings, but not all the way since the room is to small. *

Hawks: what you can't even open them all the way?! Oh, come on! That is not fair.

Meichi: I'm sorry Keigo.

Hawks: Songbird there's no need to apologize, I'm just kidding.

Meichi: Sorry.

Kirajuno: you wings are amazing, but is that the only thing that changed?

Meichi: No, I do not think so. No, I know there is more. * lets' go of him and pulls her wings as close t her body as possible* I can see everything so much clearer, and I have this. *unravels an antenna from under her chin* it is sensitive to vibrations and touch, so I guess it would be helpful if I ever need to know if I am being followed.

Kirajuno: *gets idea * strokes the antenna gently*

Meichi: *blushes hard and covers herself with her wings. * Kirajuno...

Kirajuno: yeah?

Hawks: hey that was rude kid.

Meichi: N-no, I just...

Hawks: Don't worry he won't do it again, unless he wants broken fingers.

Kirajuno: Okay I won't.

Meichi: u-um what day is it?

Kirajuno: its Sunday.

Meichi: oh, so I missed a ton of school then.

Kirajuno: yeah, also Nao and yuudai are going out.

Meichi: Really? That's so cute!

Hawks: songbird, I hate to interrupt but there are a few people that want to see you, but he can't meet them

Kirajuno: Why- oh um I can go out there with my dad's if you need me to.

Hawks: that'd be perfect.

Kirajuno: *leave the room*

Hawks: *opens the window*

*Shigaraki and Dabi enter through the window*

Meichi: Dabi! Shigaraki! Oh I've missed you both a ton too! *hugs them*

Shigaraki: we missed you to, but we aren't the only ones that are here.

Meichi: *freezes *

Dabi: don't freak out, okay? He seems to be in a better mood today, so thing shouldn't go too far...

Shigaraki: um, hawks Deku and Shoto don't want you in here when they get here so I recommend leaving.

Hawks: but-

Dabi: babe, please

Hawks: okay. *walks out*

Meichi: who told them!? Why would-

Dabi: we don't know how he found out, okay please don't freak out.

Shigaraki: you need to stay calm alright?

Meichi: but I don't know- *starts walking over to the window *

Shigaraki: *grabs her wrist* don't do that again please, we get that you're scared but just try to stay calm.

Meichi: I'll t-try. When will they be here?

Shigaraki: Soon.

Meichi: *retracks her antenna *

*they all stood around for a few minutes waiting for Deku and Shoto*

D+S: *enters through the window, smirking.*

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