Problem Child

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*Ten minutes later at the park sitting against a thick oak tree*

Meichi's mind: god it's cold. I want to make a flame silk scarf but that would draw to much attention, so I guess I'll just have to deal with it. *closes her eyes trying to sleep. *

*an hour later

Shinsou + Kaminari: *walking in the park, chatting*

Kaminari: *stops talking and looks over the Meichi's tree, seeing her silhouette* Wait who's that? *points to her*

Shinsou: I don't know let's go see.

*They both walked over to a now sleeping Meichi, and sat down shaking her awake*

Kaminari: Hey kid, wake up.

Meichi: *wakes up and uses her silk to get up in the tree. * who are you?

Kaminari: I'm Kaminari, and this is Shinsou. What are you doing out here? Its freezing, and you don't have a coat. Where are your parents?

Meichi: I-I um... don't have any.

Shinsou: So, you're an orphan?

Meichi: Y-yeah.

Shinsou: Why are you here?

Meichi: I need to wait until tomorrow to go to the dorms at school and my dad- *claps a hand over her mouth*

Kaminari: I thought you said...

Meichi: I-I, you can't know them, they aren't good people.

Kaminari: Kid calm down, you're acting like they're villains.

Meichi: ....

Kaminari: Wait, kid are they...?

Meichi: I- *shoots her silk the top of a nearby pine tree*

S+K: Hey kid wait! We won't tell anyone! Just come back!

Meichi: *Slowly climbs back down* You're not going to freak out?

Kaminari: well if we do that you'll run off, and we don't even know who they are, it's pointless to freak.

Shinsou: With that aside, if you would mind telling us your name, that'd be great.

Meichi: U-um, my name is, Meichi.

Kaminari: Well Meichi, aren't you cold?

Meichi: Not as much, now that I've used my quirk, but I'm still cold.

Shinsou: well don't you have a coat?

Meichi: no, the only things I have are in this bag. *points to the bag on her back*

Kaminari: Oh, well, were you planning on staying here the rest of the night?

Meichi: Well, yeah.

Kaminari: Um are you sure, because, if you want you can stay at our house. I know we kind of just met, but were pro-hero's, do you really think we'll hurt you?

Meichi: Well no...

Kaminari: then come with us!

Meichi: Okay.

*at Kaminari and Shinsou's house in the room they let her use, with Kirajuno (their son) his quirk is mind electrification. He can electrify your brain making you feel immense pain and immobilizing you. It can only be activated if he knows the sound of the person voice, he wants to use it on*

Meichi: Um, thank you for hanging out with me. People normally ignore me, so sorry if I seem award it's not you.

Kirajuno: not its fine. You said you are going to U.A.?

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