...Close Call...?

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*deku used the shadow in the room to carry her back to the base. He then tied her up and put her with dabi and Shigarak in a room full of ice* three hours later*

Meichi: *wakes up* what? Where am i?

Shigaraki : SHHH! We r trying to get out of here but I can't my use quirk, and neither can Dabi, because the walls are covers completely in thick layers of ice, if either of us use our quirk we r likely t drown.

Meichi: but it cold to use mine!

Dabi: yeah that's what we figured, so I guess for now we should be focusing on keeping our body temperature up, since we've probably been in here all night.

Shigaraki : that's fine with me. *snuggles up to Dabi*

Dabi: Cute, but what about Meichi?

Meichi: I have my wings, witch -if it okay with you- I would like to also use to keep us warm.

Dabi: yeah that's fine.

Meichi: okay cool. Um, no pun intended

Shigaraki : *chuckles* iits alright kiddo, just come over here.

Meichi: * goes over to them and wraps them in her wings*

Dabi: your wings are softer than hawkses

Meichi: really?

Shigaraki : yeah.

Meichi: okay do you know who put us here?

Shigaraki +dabi: Deku.

Meichi: what? I thought he was on an island!?

Shigaraki : apparently not.

Meichi: * unfurls her antenna* hes in a room down the hall way. I can feel some one else, but I don't know wh- there come to our room.

Shigaraki : Deku?

Meichi: no. they other person. Maybe it's hawks? It is very large.

Dabi: maybe.

*all of them see that a medium size hole on the wall melts, a small boy with blue wings enters. By small I mean skinny and tall* he looks at Meichi's wings confused. *

Dabi: Kage! You found us! *runs over and hugs him*

Kage: Dad im glad to see you to, but he need to hurry, as soon as he smells the buring metal he'll be here in a heartbeat.

Shigaraki : hes right.

*Kages quirk is called Hotwings. His wings are made from blue flame (he can fly with them) the fire only burns things if he want them to. From large gashes on his wirsts he can produce a choking ash and smoke mix, the inly issue is that he is also affected by the smoke, so when he uses it he needs to were a special mask to block it out. Kage is 18 *

Kage: come on lets go. *care fully burns a hole in the other side of the wall* dads you both go first, I need to make it bigger for her wings.

S +D: okay. * jump out of the hole*

Kage: its been a while huh.

Meichi: yeah last time I saw you I was 9 I think.

Kage: that's right. Come on it should be big enough now.

Meichi: okay *jumps out of the hole, using her wings to slow her fall. *

Kage: *lands next to her* I think he saw me jump out we need to go.

*they all followed Kage, but didn't know were he was taking them* after running for a minute or so*

Meichi: *stops and crumples to the ground going pale*

Kage: *looks back and sees her* Meichi! *turns around and runs back to her* No! Hes using his quirk on her!

Dabi: I see him! She's to heavy to carry! What do we do?

Shigaraki: we leave her.

Dabi: what no we can't! We've went through so much to keep her away from him! Why stop now?

Shigaraki: Because none of our attempts are working! It either we leave her and three of us are free, or try and help her and all four of us a captured.

Dabi: ...

Kage: I'll leave a brier of smoke around her, a thick as I can make it, but we need to keep going. Both of you keep going strait, and turn left at the stream, keep running till I catch up! No go!

*Shigaraki and dabi ran off*

Kage: *puts mask on her* I hope this works *makes the wall then leaves*

Meichi's mind: No I don't want to see this! *is watching everyone she loves die in brutal ways. *

Deku: then get up and leave that smoke barrier

Meichi: i-I c-can't move

Deku: *Walks through the smoke using shadows to keep the smoke away* oh, I wonder why that is? *pulls the mask off her face* have fun. *runs off*

Meichi: * is choking on the smoke* h-help... *passes out* 

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