Metamorphosis part two

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Kirajuno: Metamorphosis? But her quirk is flamesilk not butterfly.

Hawks: we predicted this would happen years ago, but we just paying attention to it last year since we thought it would happen earlier. I need to take her.

Kirajuno: No! we at least need to tell the school!

Hawks: kid, do you want her to die?

Kirajuno: What?! No!

Hawks: right, then you need to let me take her. The cocoon needs to stay a certain temperature or else she will not be able to complete the transformation, and she won't be able to leave the cocoon.

Kirajuno: W-well you cannot just take her! The school will not allow it!

Hawks: kid I'm a pro-hero, and I have wings as well, so when she comes out, I will be able to help her more than anyone here could.

Kirajuno: alright but you need to tell me when she comes out! I do not care if it is in the middle of class, just text me or something * gives hawks his phone number* I will go tell them now. *runs out of the room*

Hawks: *wraps her in her blanket and takes her to the balcony. * do not worry songbird you will be okay. *flies back to his house *

*Three day later during lunch*

Nao: so, where is Meichi?

Kirajuno: she is sick, and she does not want to see any one not even me until she's better.

Yuudai: wow she very thoughtful, maybe we should get her some cards and balloons.

Nao: Oo, yeah good idea Yuudai. I'll go get some paper. *leaves*

Yuudai: alright liar what's wrong with her really?

Kirajuno: Hawks said not to tell anyone.

Yuudai: Pft, whatever.

*Kirajuno's phone buzzes*

Kirajuno: *sees it is a text from hawks*

Hawks: okay kid do not freak out or anything she is not out yet. I will call if that happens, but her cocoon is getting bigger, which means her wings are coming in successfully and she will be coming out soon.

Kirajuno: okay thank you so much for taking care of her.

Hawks: yup.

Kirajuno: *looks up from his phone*

Yuudai: who are you talking to?

Kirajuno: stop being nosey. Hey, have you asked out Nao yet?

Yuudai: N-no I am nervous, what if he says no?

Kirajuno: he will not, I know he likes you.

Yuudai: but, what if-

Kirajuno: do not what if me, if you want to go out with him, ask him out when he gets back.

Yuudai: but-

Kirajuno: *holds a finger to his lips to shush him* not buts or I will do it for you.

Yuudai: okay...

*a few minutes later*

Nao: Okay I got some paper and glitter pens.

Yuudai: where did you get glitter pens Nao?

Nao: I like drawing with them, and adding pops of color to my assignments, the glitter is just a bonus.

Yuudai: cute

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