Lazy Sundays

911 11 40

( A short fluff chapter because I cant handle the angst anymore 🖐😔 )

Iwaizumi stirred as the golden sunlight hit his eyes, rays of the bright star flittering in through the blinds. There was a soft chirp of birds, their noises not loud and obnoxious but lazy and soothing.

It was one of the rare days where the prefecture was peaceful and he loved it.

He loved all of it.

And he especially loved the boy lying next to him.

The morning sun cast several beams onto his face, making each outward curl of his fluffy, brown hair a slightly different shade. His pale skin glistened in the light, each feature of his face sharp and prominent.

"God you're beautiful" Iwa muttered, his often straight lips curved into a slight smile.

In a sudden, quick motion Oikawa's hands wrapped around Iwaizumi's waist as he pulled the shorter boy towards him, resting his chin on his shoulder.

"Thank you" he whispered, offering Iwa a small, sleepy grin.

"You were awake." The ace spoke as if it was more of a statement than a question.
Almost like he was answering his own queery (not a typo.)

"You knew" The other boy yawned, letting out a high, sudden whine as Iwa pulled away from his grip.

The ex vice captain turned over to face Oikawa who was fighting to keep his eyes open.

"You can go back to sleep" Iwaizumi muttered, ghosting his fingers over the others arm in a gentle, caring way.

"And miss your morning voice? No thanks." Oikawa muttered, his cheeks tinged an almost pastel pink.

Iwaizumi's voice was deeper in the mornings, with a husky and rough edge. His boyfriend was one of the only people aware of how low it could go, along with the old team who had discovered this one training camp.

"Tch, dork," He rolled his eyes but didn't hesitate to press his lips to Oikawa's, feeling the other boy shift into a more comfortable position.

"You're weirdly friendly today" Oikawa laughed almost nervously, breaking the kiss so that he could breathe because hell-Iwaizumi could hold his breath for longer than humanely possible if he wanted to.

"It's a beautiful day" he shrugged, eyes travelling back to the window. The sky was still colourful for this time of day, mainly blue but with orange and yellow streaks swirling through it.

He heard Oikawa swallow and curl the blankets around his hands. The older boy instantly glanced back at him, eyes softening.

"You miss it, don't you?"

His eyes glassed over slightly "Yeah I do."

"That makes two of us then."

Graduation had been hard for both of them but they had each other to get through it.

"You know I still wake up at the same time for morning practice," Oikawa smiled sadly but fondly "I hope they do well."

"They will," Iwa reached over and cupped his face with a hand, tilting it up so that the sunlight hit him from the perfect angle. Surprisingly Oikawa averted his eyes, pupils slowly decreasing in size. He bit down on his lip and Iwa's forehead creased in concern.

"What's wrong?"

There was a long pause of silence. He retracted his hand, anxious eyes travelling over Oikawa's hurt looking face.

Finally he spoke
"Hajime, I've was offered a place on the San Juan team."

There was a long painful pause

"And I accepted."

Days passed.

A messy breakup followed.

Weeks of silence.

Nights drowned away with alcohol.

It seemed as if happy endings were never meant for Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

(You thought i'd let you have fluff 😈, I'm debating on making a full angst chapter but I have no ideas anyway look out for that shit in the future. Tsukkiyama oneshot coming next.)

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