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Play the video on the top, It's the new intro for every chapter.

Prometheus was pulling off his mask, and when the mask fell, Oliver gasped as well as Felicity and Sara, they couldn't believe their eyes. Standing in front of them was... Tommy Merlin.

"He died over 4 years ago."

"Oliver, who's Tommy Merlin?" Barry asked softly.

"Thea's other brother, and my best friend." He whispered the last part.

Prometheus smirked the whole time.

"We're gonna need a moment alone." Barry nodded and left with the others, Kara following him.

"Visitors from another earth?" Barry questioned as they were in the Cortex, theorizing how the Nazis ended up on earth 1.

"Woah there are more than one?" Jax asked, Barry instead of getting annoyed, smiled.

"Ya, Kara is from another earth, she's one hell of a hero there too." Barry turned and looked at Kara, who blushed at his compliment.

"There are 52 actually," Kara said as she walked up next to Barry.

"Though I'm hard-pressed to think that Nazis are ascendant."

"I can," Harry said as he leaned on the doorframe.

"There's a 53rd earth and it's called Earth X."

After showing a few clips from Earth X, Harry spoke again.

"It doesn't have a designation because it's a place so awful, so horrific, no sane person would ever travel there, basically it's our earth, same history, same timeline, with one critical difference."

"So let me hypothesize, the Nazis developed the atomic bomb before the united states did, and they were more than happy to use it," Stein interjected.

"Yes, the Nazis won the war, New York, London, Paris, Moscow were all obliterated. The SS set up outposts not only in Europe, but also all throughout the Americas, and Hitler continued his brutal reign aided by Prime Ministers and Reichsmarchalls sympathetic to him until his death in 1994 by being poisoned by some conspirators who were then arrested, Henrich Himmler took the place of Fuhrer, we haven't heard from that earth since."

"Now they aren't happy with just ruining one earth. God this is starting to make me physically ill." Felicity said as she walked away to a bathroom.

"Ya the line start behind me," Jefferson said.

"W-we have to find them. I mean do you think they're using a breach to hop between worlds?"

"That or they are operating from a staging area somewhere in Central City or close by."

"Well, good thing we have a metric ton of smart people in this building... And Rory." Barry turned to glance at Mick, Mick glanced back at him with his eyes narrowed, Kara nearly laughed, she looked at Barry with dreamy eyes, Harry noticed and smirked, Alex noticed it too, she wasn't too happy though.

"Let's get to work on finding out new friends from earth x," Barry added sarcastically. Everyone got to work, Alex pulled Kara into the hallway.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened in there?" Alex questioned Kara.

"W-what you mean Alex?" Kara asked innocently.

"Don't be dumb, I saw the way you were staring at Barry, he is literally getting married as soon as this is over. Why do your love interests involve married men?"

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