Turning points

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"Dayton optical systems calls it the Prism," Felicity said to the group.

"What on earth do they need a sub-light generator for?" Harry asked wondered.

"It's basically a spectral emitter that uses quantum entanglement."

"You could also use it to create a stable fusion reaction," Caitlin said.

"Basically the device they stole can be converted to a Neutron bomb."

"We have to catch these parallel-earth goose-steppers."

"This might help, this arrow can help us track down evil Kara." Barry passed them the Kryptonite arrow.

"Is that a Kryptonite arrow?" Alex asked as her big sister instincts kicked in, she was now thinking about how Oliver could have a stash of Kryptonite.

"I know I shouldn't ask this question but I have to ask this question. Oliver didn't shoot Kara did he?" Felicity rambled.

"Sort of. The other archer and flying woman is Oliver and Kara from Earth X." barry mentioned

"When you said that Earth X was horrible you might have undersold it, Harry," Caitlin said.

"Wait a minute, how-how can there be another Kara?" Alex asked confused.

"Well, there are 53 Karas, just like there are 53 Kryptons and 53 earths."

"And the Thawne from our earth is aiding them too."

"He's an idiot," Wells told Barry, Barry snickered.

"Ok, if that arrow has not-so-supergirls blood on it we ca-" Felicity started.

"Could track it using quantum analysis." Harry finished her sentence.

"Hey, guys I think I might have a quicker way." Alex led them to the lab.

"These red blood cells are suffused with shortwave radiation."

"Solar radiation?"

"Yeah, incredibly high amounts like nothing I've ever seen."

"Can you track it?" Barry asked Felicity.

Felicity assured Barry, bragging about how she caught a serial killer off of his face cream.

"Let's just do it fast," Barry told them, then he walked off to prepare for another fight.


Thawne was working on the bomb, the work was tedious. It was already the early hours of the morning, he was burning the midnight oil, which he didn't mind. He was tinkering with the circuitry when Overgirl walked up to him.

"I told you to rest, we need you at your maximum strength." Kara waved him off.

"Will it work?"

"it will with a few adjustments, and a significant power source."

"Oliver is on his way to handle that."

"Your husband has a choice to make now," Thawne added, they were now running low on time. He wants to keep his promise, he expects Kara to hold up her end of the deal.

"Me or the Reich?" Eobard set his tools down.

"That's right. Because we have 2 goals and my worry is if we can't accomplish them both, he's gonna choose you over a second earth flying under our banner."

"Stop lying Eobard, you have a different goal, you could care less about the Reich, your 2 goals are to save me, and kill Barry."

Eobard smirked.

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