Chapter One

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Filips POV:
Mornings. Most people like them. (A/N well in his realm...) A start to a new day, new things to discover and do. A day can bring exiting adventures, and the start of that day is morning. So yeah, mornings are pretty cool. Well... kinda cool. You know what? No. Not for me anyway, because to have a good day, you have to have a good start to it. And let's just say, I never have that. 'Why?' You might be thinking. No, it's not because I spend all night on Wattpad like the stupid author. No. It's because of my sisterly figure, my annoying sisterly figure. My annoying sisterly figure that is an elf, wanted thief, exile, and a full time weirdo. Yup. Meet Rayna.

"FILIP ITS TIME TO EAT SOME STUFF!!!!" I hear an unholy screech coming from the other side of our small cabin. And turn to see Rayna. I wipe the sleep from my eyes. Her platinum blonde hair is done in a messy braid like always and her emerald green eyes glint with excitement. She and I look about the same age, 18, but because elf's do not age quickly she is actually 108. I guess her brain haven't matured much either. I groan. "Ugh, what time is it." "Four am. Why?" She chirps, bouncing in the halls of her feet. "It's too early, I need sleep. Not everyone is an elf, Rayna." "Oh." Her face falls in disappointment, but just as quickly becomes and exited smile. "I'm going to go "borrow" some potatoes from the village!" I hear fly comprehend what she said before she rushed out the door. I shake may head and lay down, trying to fall asleep. I fail miserably. Curse you Rayna.

I roll off my mat on the floor and stretch, yawning. Well, I'm going to bed early today. I grab my belt and wrap it around my waist, securing the boring brown tunic that I always wore. It always stayed clean though, thanks to Raynas magic. The funny thing is, our twin is quite poor thanks to the good ol' king that rules this sucky kingdom. Compared to the people near us, we are quite rich. We just have to blend in with the other townspeople so the guard won't catch Rayna. They've been after her for 30 years now! I know what your thinking,'>:0 how dare you steal from poor people!' Well we aren't. We steal from the stupid guards that patrol this place for Rayna. It didn't stop her from going outside though. Although she may seem like and idiot, she is the smartest person I've ever met. She only got caught four times.

I grab my cloak and sling it around my shoulders, it's cold outside. I make sure my tail is hidden under my tunic and grab my blue hat, pulling it over my smallish horns. I walk over to the mirror and look into it. I look like a regular human, except for my eyes and my skin. My eyes are red and have cat like pupils. I concentrate and imagine my eyes turning brown, and sure enough, my magic works and my eyes look normal now. I do the same to my skin, making the red into a light tan.

It's probably a good time to mention that I'm a teifling. It's basically a human that got hit by an enormous amount of dark magic and got transformed into some devil like thing. Most of our kind is feared by other races because of the dark magic we can wield. Some teiflings are indeed evil, some of us aren't, just like all the other races. They just fear us and therefor don't. Interact with us, so if they were to find out that I was a teifling, they would exile me or throw me into the kinds dungeon, and trust me, I don't want that.

I walk away from the mirror and go over to the fireplace, setting a fire. I sit in the rug in front of me and wait for Rayna to return home. The warmth of the fire on my face makes me more tired then I already am. Finally I dose off. Nice, some real, quiet, peace. .......

The door gets kicked open. Well never mind then. I turn to see Rayna with like 1636749590403827716166273900199282726 potatoes. Ok, maybe that was an exaggeration but, she had a lot of potatoes. "Hey Filip!" "Hi..." I reply, eyeing the potatoes. "Where did you get all of those?" She closes the door with her foot, for her arms were full with potatoes. "Oh, these? A very nice man let me borrow them." "Um... ok then."
She grinned and set the potatoes on the table. You look terrible. Like, eye bags and everything."
"Thanks?" "So what do you want for breakfast?" She chirps. I think for a moment. I honestly don't really care. "You choose." I reply. Without hesitation, she exclaims, "THE BAR!" I shrug. I mean, the bar didn't have food but like, who cares! We're making some good life decisions over here guys. "Let's go!"

Me and Rayna race out of the door and into our busting village. We weave around farmers with their carts full of hay, dwarfs with their pickaxes, and the kings guards, with their stupid faces. The crisp fall air reddens our cheeks and fills our lungs. Great now my lungs are cold. Ow.

We walk for a few minutes until we reach our destination, Billows Bar. Rayna and I walk inside, glad from the warmth radiating from the fireplace. We walk over to the bartender. "Hi!" Rayna says loudly, catching him by surprise. "Agh!" Exclaims Billow, the tortle. Rayna snorts. "Chill man, it's just your favorite customers."
He laughs nervously, "Well, welcome...again. Rayna why are you here. You just got a few drinks a hour ago. Also we don't serve food here, you need actual breakfast." Rayna blinked.
"You have peanuts."
I chuckle and say "We got plenty of food at home already. Rayna thought it was a good idea to steal a bunch of potatoes." Billie face palmed. "You young people are so stupid."Rayna looks offended. "Hey! I'm older than you!" He laughs. "Which makes this even more sad."
She ignores his comment and jumps over the counter, going into the place for the workers.
She dug through the cabinet and pulled out a bag of peanuts and tossed them to me, and go three mugs of beer.

She handed one to me and the other one to billow. "Now you can be quiet!" Billow looks at her in confusion and gestures to his drink. "I don't want this." She shrugged. "Give it to Filip then." I looked at her. "Wait wha-" befor I could finish my sentence, a mug of beer was being shoved in my hand. "Oh, um, thanks?" I awkwardly shift and put the peanuts down, so as not to drop the cups. Nothing wrong with being a bit buzzed for the day, right?

This chapter was supposed to have more but I'll just make the other part chapter 2 cause I'm lazy. Also none of the chapters will be edited. Thanks for reading this book!

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