Chapter 6

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Filip's POV:
After discussing what to do, we divide leaving the village is the best option. Not only all of us will be safe or imprisoned, but we can also add a bit of adventure to our lives, and I'm not arguing with that. I glance at Narkon. "So where do you think we should go? I mean, news will spread quickly that I'm a Tiefling a fugitive. People might recognize me and report me." He nods. "That's why I'm bringing you two to a different realm." "What?!"
After discussing a few more hours we finally agree that going to a different realm is the best option. By 'we' I mean me and Narkon. Rayna is just staring into the into the distance with a constipated look in her face probably thinkIng something along the lines of, "ew. These people are stupid I want the money so we must steal shiny stuff."

But anyway, the different realm makes it harder for the king's guards to send messages through. And apparently there is a place there that many Tieflings live. According to Narkon, when he was about fourteen his mother was captured, just like me and turned into a tiefling. She escaped but was immediately found out because she failed to hide her tail and horns. Before the guards could seize her though, she slipped past them and somehow traveled to another realm. While there, she created a powerful barrier that only tieflings could go through and created a safe space for all her kind. Yeah, we are somehow going to get to the exact same place she was and try to find the portal. Thankfully Narkon knows where that spot is. So we're going there.
It's time to pack. Obviously we should put as little as we can carry but still enough to not die. According to Narkon, the place we are traveling to to get through the the portal is quite a while away. I make a mental list:
•food, I don't want to starve
•a bit of water, when we run out we can find some sort of flowing stream
•one change of clothes, although Rayna can clean our clothes with magic, using a lot of spells will drain your energy l
•money, if we stop by a town that doesn't recognize us yet, we can buy supplies
•our weapon, in this world there are many beasts to battle. It's inevitable that we will run into one.
• and last but not least, something to carry all our supplies in. Something big.

I gather all the stuff I need and set it on the table, it's quite a lot, but the best I can do. I look around the house. What should I put all this stuff in? I scan the cabin and find the perfect thing. It may be a little small, but it's the only thing I have. I walk over to the door and grab the fairly big leather satchel from its hanger. I might be able to stuff all my things
In here with a bit of force.
I had to leave the change of clothes, the bundle was too big to fit in. Everyone is packed by now. Narkon basically had the same things as me but Rayna.... she's different. Her stealing sack was stuffed to the brim with a variety of gold, silver, and copper coins, the most expensive. And of course, she didn't forget the potatoes. I'm pretty sure throughout this trip I will get pretty sick of potatoes.

I look over, everyone is ready. Narkon goes first, leading the way out the door and into the darkness, me and Rayna following him closely behind. It always seems like you make more noise when you try not to make noise. Our every step makes a 'crunch' sound on the frosty ground. Or a 'swoosh' every time we slip on a fallen leaf. It really is an inconvenience to not see.
As we walk away from the village, I can't help but feel a pang of sadness. I lived there for eleven years and I'm just walking away. I'll miss it. The bustling markets every morning, the over crowded houses, the dirt roads. Dang, even that annoying homeless Dragonborn that disrespected my potatoes. I'll miss my cabin, the comforting fire, dark oak dining table and the scratchy rug. I'll miss my home. But there is no turning back now.
Eyyy my guys! Sorry this is so short I just thought I'd update for you cause This story got 91? Reads. I forgot. Anyway, it was a lot more than I had planned. Also I'm pretty exited that this crappy story got #1 under tiefling so this is just a great for yall. Thank you so much for reading this, it means a lot to me:) also if u like it can u vote it pls??? Thx! have a nice life!

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