Chapter 2

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Filip POV:
"Oh my goodness, I totally regret this." I'm being dragged out of the bar by Rayna. "Wow Filip, you are a total lightweight. I mean like two bees?! Pftttttt!" She snorted. I roll my eyes and gag, feeling some vomit up my throat. I lurch all over the ground beside me. Ew. Rayna snorts(again) with laughter. "Your so rude. How is that even funny?" I grumble wiping the vomit off my mouth with my sleeve. "The vomits not funny, I mean, it's green, but with chunks of green and yellow and brown and... well that's not very appetizing-" "Why would vomit be appetizing?" "Shhhhh don't interrupt me. Anyways, your face was like," she did a terrible impression of my face, acting like some zombie that was burping and constipated at the same time. "I doubt I looked like that." I said. She snorted.(again,again) "Pfttt, you wish. Now come on, I wanna eat some potatoes."


We arrive home and Rayna kicks the door open, leaving it for me to close. I take off my cloak and glance at Rayna. She was at the end of the room, at the kitchen table. She picked up a raw potato and took a bite out of it, spitting it out as soon  as it touched her tongue. "Ew. I should have boiled that." "Yeah probably." I walk over to the table and grab a cloth, wiping the dry vomit off my face. I put it back on the table. I'll wipe it later. I sit on the rug next to the fireplace. I concentrate and imagine a fire on the wood, and bam. We gotta fire. Rayna sits next to me with two potatoes and hands me one. "There, breakfast." I stare at her. "Umm... mine is raw." She hums. "Yeah. I know."

I get up and walk out the door, going to the forest in the back of the house to find a stick. I find a decent sized one and walk back into our house. I stick the potato on the stick and hover it over the fire.
Ok, so now I have a smoked potato. I take a bite out of it. It tases different, sort or weird, but like a good weird. It had a smoky gala or and the skin was a bit crisped. I admit, it's almost as good as boiled and baked potatoes. Rayna was finishing up her 5th one when I was done. I turned to her, " how are you not fat yet?" She shrugged. "I guess I run a lot." That was true. She did have a lot of energy. "Speaking of running, I'm going to go steal some money. Care to join my good sir?" I shake my head. "Nah, I'm really tired. I'm just going to take a nap or something." "Ok!" She grabbed her green cloak and raced out he door. I sigh with content and lay my head against the stone fireplace, slowly designing asleep.

BANG! I sit up abruptly, fully awake and searching for there the sound came from. "PFTTTT, FILIP YOUR FACE!!" Ahhhh, Rayna. She seemed to have kicked the door open and was standing in the doorway, holding a few gem encrusted wallets. "It's dinner time already." She declared, "we accidentally missed lunch." "Oh ok. What should we do for dinner?" She glanced at the potatoes. "We can eat these...I kinda got more than necessary so we can eat some for dinner and then sell them in the market tomorrow." I nod. " Um ok. How should we eat then though?" She looked thoughtful for a moment. "...raw? Actually no, ignore that. I don't know." "We can make some sort of soup." I suggest. Rayna broke into a huge smile. "OHMYGOODNESSFILIPYOURAGENIOUSHELLYES!!!!!" ".....thank you?" "OKGOGWTSOMEMILKBECAUSETHSTWILLMAKETHESOUPGOODANDILLCUTTHEPOTATOESDONTTAKELONGBYE." She shoved my cloak and a wallet she stole in my arms and pushed me out the door. Ok milk, here I come.
The farm was a bit farther than all the other houses in the village. I walk up the dirt road, a few minutes away from my destination. I hear footsteps ahead of me, and just around the bend, comes a large parade of horses and guards coming my way. I step off the roar to avoid them and they thunder past me. I look over to them and catch someone's eye. He had shoulder length brown hair and one get eye and one purple. A black mask covered the rest of his face. He was taller than me, but he looked around my age. His wrists were in chains and he was in the middle of the parade, being forced to walk with the guards. I don't know why, but something about him felt familiar, though I knew I never met him before.
When I Arabic home I was still a bit dazed, I couldn't stop thinking about the prisoner. He must have been very important to need so many guards. I snapped out of my thoughts when Rayna waved her hands in my face. "Filip, where's they milk?"

Hi. It's like 1:40 am and I'm hecking tired so this ain't edited and there is probably a lot of spelling errors so sorry about that.:/

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