Chapter 3

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Filips POV:
"Oh my gosh Filip, WAKE UP!" I groan and open my eyes. Rayna is hovering over me... quite literally. A vine has extended her into the air. She huffs. " You take so long to wake up, it's very annoying." "Well I wouldn't be so tired if someone stopped waking me up." She crosses her arms. I sigh tiredly. "Just- umm.. what time is it?" She smirked at me. "Guess." "The usual, like four?" "Ha! Incorrect," woah. She actually woke me up later?! Well that's a pleasant change. "- it's three!" She finished. Oh. "Rayna," I whine, "I need sleep." "Not when I'm bored you don't." Well thanks to her I'll be even more sleep deprived today. "Get up Filip, we have to go steal from the king or something." " The king?! Are you crazy?!" She look offended. "Uhm, no. I know what I'm doing. You know I've done it many times before." "Yeah, but not with me. I suck at stealing." "I'm sure you'll do fine." "It's still dark outside." "Which makes stealing less complicated." "But-um...well, it's too cold!" I try desperately. Rayna groans, "stop making excuses, come on. I'll buy you lunch." That did seem tempting...but..."I have to sell the extra potatoes." She frowns. "Ugh, I hate it when your right. But suit yourself, I'll see you at lunch." I waved goodbye and she raced out the door, in the direction of the castle.
Its now five in the morning. A suitable time for going to the market without anyone thinking I'm a vampire. I get up and do my normal routine. Put a belt over the boring tunic, hide my tail under my tunic, change my eye and skin color, put on the cloak, and slip the hat over my head to cover my horns. There. I grab both sacks of potatoes. They are surprisingly heavy.

I open the door with my foot and step out. It was colder than the day before, but the potatoes warmed that was an unpleasantly weird sentence. Anyway, I close the door with my foot and begin walking along the dirt path to the market.

Some people are outside, only a few though. Not may wake up this early. A few dwarfs heading to the mines, some farmers setting up their market stands on the side of the street. I grab a barrel that was just laying on the dirt sidewalk and put the sacks on top. This will have to do. I open the sacks so people can see what's inside and sit next to the barrel. I tug my cloak a little closer to me and wait for more people.

Apparently, everyone hates potatoes. I've only had one costumer in the last two hours. All the other stalls had at least ten. So of course, I fell asleep. I was bored, no one talked to me, I was sleep deprived... you get the idea. Anyway, I slept for quite a while. It was good to finally get some rest.

"AH FILIP!" I open my eyes. Why was it always Rayna? "Hi." "The potatoes are still here." I yawn and stretch, popping my back. "Yeah, no one even stole them while I was sleeping." She groans. "Potatoes are not even that bad!" A homeless Dragonborn walks up to us. "Yes they are. If you don't cook them then ew." Rayna shreaks and turns around. "Where did you come from?!" He stares into our eyes, not blinking. "Your worst nightmares." Rayna stares back at him. "Ha, jokes on you. I don't sleep." I sigh. This elf is so immature. I turn to him and gesture to the potatoes. "Do you want these? We can give them to you for free." The Dragonborn blinks. "Ew no. Take your stanky potatoes and go away. Your taking up my sitting spot." With that he walks over to the potato barrel and kicks it over, sitting where it was. Well, ok then.


We left the potatoes. Poor potatoes.

"So how much money did you get?" I ask Rayna, while walking down to the bar. She chuckles and rubs her hands together like some sort of evil person. She pulls something out of her 'stealing sack' hidden by her cloak. The Kong's crown. ....woah. "It isn't exactly money but...." I gape are her. "You stole that?!" She lifted her head proudly and nodded. "Yup! The guards are terrible at guarding." "THEIF, GIVE THAT CROWN BACK RIGHT NOW!" We urn our heads to see four guards running towards us. A halfling, Dragonborn, Tabaxi, and a dwarf. I turn to Rayna. "So what's your escape plan?" She looks at me, smiling quite widely. "Time to run!"
Sorry it's short;-; don't worry, the story gets less boring the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed! Also I just ate cake and it was very good.

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