Chapter 5

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I wake up to a loud clang. I sit upright and turn my head to the source of the noise. It was Rayna cringing, with an open lock in her hand. "Dang. Who knew locks could be this loud." She mumbles, placing the large lock in her stealing sack.

"Rayna!" She turns and sees me. "Oh hey Filip. I just finished picking your lock for you! We need to go though cause the guard probably heard that lock opening." "Ok." I open the cell as quietly as I can, which is not quiet at all. It is incredibly creaky. I look back at Narkon who is sleeping on the floor. It feels wrong to leave him. I'll leave the door open so he can escape. I step out and follow Raynas lead, navigating our way though the dark prison. Suddenly I hear a yell. A guard! "Time to run!" Rayna says in a sing-song voice. And we do.

We run out of prison and into town. Because it was night I could barley see anything. Thankfully I could still make out Raynas figure.  We turn to an alleyway between two houses. We are about to run out the other side but a guard gets in our way. We turn to the other side and a guard is there too. "Hey Bob, Jeff. Do you mind moving? It's getting a little crowded here." Rayna says. The guards close in and Rayna huffs. "Seriously guys? Personal space please." They obviously don't care about that right now. "Look, killing is not the only option. We can just talk about our problems and leave huh?" She try again.

I look for an escape route. None. The guards unsheath their swords. I could try to somehow climb one of the walls but there were no footholds and I didn't have enough time. 'Come on Filip, think!' I could try to run into the guard to knock him over, but I might get impaled  by the sword. They get closer. 'Think!' Is Rayna ok? They raise their swords. I close my eyes. 'THI-' thump.

I open my eyes to see the guard who was about to kill me, lying on the ground with a bloody wound on the back of his head. It was about three inches long and has pieces of rock and dirt sticking out of it. In conclusion, it was disgusting. There was a pair of feet behind him. I look up to see who the feet belong to, and there was Narkon holding a bloody rock. Thump. I hear another noise behind me and see Rayna with a rock.

She looks behind me at Narkon and she frowns. "You stole my technique." She then screeches. "AHH STRANGER DANGER!" He glasses at her. "Sorry I was just saving your friend over here, don't mind me." Rayna huffs and crosses her arms. He does the same. They have a staring contest for quite a while. I decide to butt in.

"Uhm, sorry to interrupt, but shouldn't we go? The other guards will find us soon." Narkon turns to me. "Filip is right. I know a place where we can hid-" " Ok whatever annoying stalker dude. I'm just going to go." Rayna interrupts and starts walking away. Narkon looks offended. " How am I a stalker?!" Rayna turns and looks at him. "Bro, why else would you know the tiny child's name! Your obviously some sort of weirdo." It was my turn to look offended. "Tiny child?!"

Narkon growls. "I'm not a stalker, Filip told me his name when we shared ce-" "THERE THEY ARE!" "BYE!" Rayna yells and runs off. We follow her knowing that sticking in a group is the best option.

We run into the market, it being completely abandoned because it was night. I continue running but trip over something. "Ow!" My jaw hits the ground and makes a sound that hurts just by hearing it. Narkon stops. "Filip are yo-" "YES THE POTATOES ARE STILL HERE!" We turn our heads to see Rayna holding the bag of potatoes that I supposedly tripped on, looking victorious. "Now we can eat stuff!" Narkon offers me his hand and pulls me off the dirty street. I look at Rayna. "We have food at home." She rolls her eyes. "We're not going to stay home silly!" I look at her in confusion. "Why not?" "Well," Narkon starts, "we are wanted. Plus you can't stay here, they know your a teifling." "Oh." "Yo peeps," Rayna says, "We need to go unless you want to be in a prison for the rest of your life."  We start to run again.

We turn a corner and come to the blacksmith and fletcher shop. (They were combined) "Weapon time!" Rayna chirped excitedly, grab what you want my dudes, we need some supplies. While saying that she grabs a bow and a quiver full of arrows. Narkon takes two axes and an axe holder or whatever that was. It made the axes be in his back. And me, well, I took a short sword because any other weight would have me running slower than I already was. "Before we go I need to get my elvish armor from our cabin and a bunch of money and stuffs." Rayna hums, swinging the quiver over her back. Narkon and I nod. We slip out of the shop and into the night, praying that we don't get caught.

After Rayna got the money and her armor, we sat at our table and discussed what we should do. "Well," Rayna starts, "we can sneak into houses, steal stuff, then leave!" I shake my head. "The people here are poor already." She huffs. "Ok thennnn." Her face lights up. "We can steal from the king!" Narkon groans. "When will you shut up!?" Rayna scoffs, "Well excuse me for weighing out the options here Mr. stalker! Plus we need more moneyyyy." "How many times have I told you, I'm not a stalker!" "Once." "Your so annoying!" Rayna looks accomplished. "Yes it is one of my many talents." From what I hear so far, I have a hunch that they won't get along very well.
Hiii! Here is what Rayna's armor looks like:

••••Hiii! Here is what Rayna's armor looks like:

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